The man is clearly confused.
And before anyone says: “But he’s gonna end the government! He won’t have ANY power!” Try again. He has claimed directly and on record (see video below) that he will gain the authority over PROPERTY via election, and will be able to centrally redistribute it, not based on communities of property owners already using this or that resource (most direct objective link) and not via the free market, but as he and his personally chosen helpers (“custodians”) please.
He has further suggested that homesteaders of unowned lands under his “bankruptcy agent” presidency (in which he will ostensibly remain in power until the whole Federal government is “dissolved”) may need to be fingerprinted. Wait. What?!?
He’s also stated on record that his plan is not a Voluntaryist plan.
So...why does he keep identifying as one of us?
Hmmm. One thing is for certain, he sure has collected and lot of money from naive yet kind hearted Voluntaryists around the globe.
When is that July 2018 “book bomb” gonna happen, by the way?
We are programmed to fear death, but wouldn't you rather face it rationally? Calmly? Happily? Fear not only makes us vulnerable to manipulation by those who would oppress us, it also tempts us to become oppressors. The tyranny of democracy encourages the broadest participation in fear-based oppression. Every politician's pitch is based on some version of, "If you give me power over you, I can make you happy and take away your fear." In the act of voting, we are not choosing leaders for ourselves, we are trying to impose our choice of leaders (and fears) on others.
-Adam Kokesh, Chapter 9 Section IV, FREEDOM!
Well, he does say his whole book is basically plagiarized. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t seem to understand what he himself has written.
Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as DLive and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)