WalkWithMe #2 - Family, Friends & Food at Peace Valley Park

The Prologue

In my introductory walk in this weekly series of #WalkWithMe, I took you for a walk with my family to Peace Valley Park near my house in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. In case you have missed it, you can, of course, read it at the link WalkWithMe #1 - Family Walk at Peace Valley Park. Today I am going to take you again to Peace Valley Park but this time it was family, friends, and food too.

Before going further, yet again, sincere thanks to @lyndsaybowes who has introduced in this simple, humble yet amazing series on Steemit known by the name #walkwithme.


Family, Friends & Food at Peace Valley Park #1

My friend Ranjeet and his wife from New Jersey were visiting us over a weekend. They came in the early afternoon and we had decided to have a nice Indian cuisine brunch. After that, some gup-shups/gossips and it was time to head out somewhere. My wife said we should visit the nearby place only and then we had just tasted the beauty of Peace Valley Park, so without second thought, the place was decided.

Last time I missed having tea & snacks sitting/relaxing beside the shores of Lake Galena at Peace Valley Park. This time I did not want it to happen. So, we quickly prepared few egg salad sandwiches and tea and off we were on the drive to Peace Valley Park. My friend and his wife were amused to see how excited we were and that was like, for a walk in the park šŸ˜œ šŸ˜œ

I will say they did connect to our last visit feeling but I & my wife were living those moments internally. So, for us, it was to relive that walk again. Within no time, we parked the car on the other side of the lake this time. The benches were nearby the car parking so we decided to keep the food in the car and take it back after a stroll in the park along the lake.


Ranjeet and his wife were amazed to see the serenity and calmness of the place. Soon we were on the long trail walking and discussing things about travel as I and Ranjeet share a common love & passion for traveling in the Himalayas. Deepti and Preeti (friend's wife) were busy in girl talks, probably I should keep myself out of it here. He hehe... Kiddo was enjoying his best as he got the opportunity to run around freely. Soon we stopped by at a place where people can load off their boats and the kiddo got the opportunity to throw stones in the lake, that is his favorite thing near any water body, river or lake or even sea, just that he doesn't find any stones on sea beaches šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚






It was a refreshing evening walk and weather was nice too. I missed my parents as I know they would have loved such a walk any day. But, well, this coming summers I am going to call them here so that we can have ample of such walks together. After about 35-40 minutes or so, we decided to take a break and have tea nearby the benches and eat those sandwiches. Well, living in India, I always dreamt of sipping every evening tea with family amidst pure nature and here it was, a dream coming true but in the US though. Maybe one day I do settle in the Himalayas in India but nevertheless, the moment was priceless.




The tea and sandwiches tasted so refreshing amidst all the fragrance of nature. After about 30 minutes or so, Ranjeet decided to play run down the hill with my kid. I watched them enjoy while sitting there on the picnic benches having another cup of tea šŸ˜‚ ... We decided to go to the other side of the lake and drive there to park the car. We wanted to watch the sunset and well the decision was worth it. It was beautiful to watch the sunset from the other side of the lake.





After all this fun in nature, we all returned to the house to cook dinner and have a good night sleep. I hope you enjoyed reading my second walk at Peace Valley Park or Lake Galena. Next week, I will take you to another beautiful place for a walk near my house. In fact, will have three walks of that place shared with you in coming three weeks šŸ˜

Next Part Teaser


See you next week for another #WalkWithMe šŸ˜‡

About Me

A travel blogger by heart, a lover of the Himalayas by soul and a software engineer by profession. Here, on Steemit, you can get to know more about me by reading my introduction post at the link An intro of a twisted DEVIL :-) ... You can find me spreading smiles in the Himalayas through my travel blog & community forums where I write about traveling and promoting responsible travel in the Himalayas.

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