Repentant for 2 day Steemit absence and a broken toe on #sublime sunday and #walkwithme

My morning coffee viewed through my growing grape vine on my terrace project

I feel remiss having been off Steemit for two days in a row. That is a record for me of late. Ever since I really got into the swing of this place, I have not been away from it, either posting or commenting and enjoying from one day to the next. However, this weekend has had a double whammy: @winstonalden's birthday as well as my newly broken toe!

I chose to photograph my broken toe in it's sock, as it's basically just a black and blue foot with two toes taped together, not really great for viewing, but I thought this shot with the propped up foot with my little terra cotta puti statue in the back peeking over the chair was the best representation for my annoying broken toe.

The reason for my toe break is not exciting. All the projects I do and power tools I use I always am very careful, but this was a freak accident. I was putting away the vacuum in our hall closet and a very heavy 50 lb weight was propped in there and came crashing onto my bare toe! I almost always wear socks and shoes, but was just tidying of the morning before getting dressed for @winstonalden's little birthday luncheon and so was not even wearing slippers.

It hurt so much and basically still does. There is little to be done for broken toes save taping to the 'buddy toe' and keeping it elevated. However, I have to go manage my little cottage tomorrow that I rent out in the summer and I won't be tackling the flight of stairs that leads to my old Summer studio (which is still my current one, as the new one might have to wait another year before being set up)

I digress, far too many characters and paragraphs dedicated to an annoyance.

As this is a #sublimesunday, let's return to the sublime.


Ahh, now isn't that better? The old cement urn on my new porch build with tumbling succulents and soft briny sea air on a sunny morn.

How about an artsy downward view of it with the lovely latticed shadows from the new pergola.

One can barely remember the throbbing of one's toe or the Piratical hobble of one's leg across the gravel paths.

Well, until it's time to go water my veg garden. My plants don't care I can't walk so well.

Let us hobble our way there, shall we.

My toms are doing so well in the little pop up greenhouse


I am rather proud of these, having started them from seed in Early March and nurtured them on in the windows of Toad Hall. They were my little taste of Spring in the horrid Winter we had this year.

I am using a little pop up green house in the new veg location to see how it does before investing the time and effort to put up a permanent structure. Much easier to test it out this way. I have tried these greenhouses all over our property not yet finding the space to put up a permanent one as of yet.

This year I am trying something new with them. Having made a little bed in the greenhouse, I took the pots they were growing in and dug them into the soil near the plants roots. This way I water the empty pot and it drains the water directly to the roots so as not to get the leaves too wet, which can cause mildew. Here is the hose doing it's job.

I can't take credit for this idea I think I got it from Beechgrove garden which is one of my favourite gardening shows, this one a Scottish version. I love Gardeners World but the Scottish climate in Beechgrove is much closer to our own New England coastal climate so advice from them is usually more applicable to our seaside gardens.

As I have decided to place my veg garden on the windy sea-side of the house this year, the greenhouse really helps to keep the wind at bay and of course gives the heat that Toms, cukes, and peppers love. I also have my strawberries in here, but that is more for the protection from the birds.

I had a blueberry bush full of ripening berries I had moved to a bed in this garden last week and forgot to net it (it was not in the greenhouse too hot) and they were all gone in one day! My other bush is going in the greenhouse and we'll see if it is okay with the heat.

My potatoes are ready for another layer of soil


I always grow my tattis in pots, placing the seed potatoes under a few inches of soil then when the greens grow through, you add more soil, then by July when they've reached the top you wait for them to flower and when the flowers die, I dig them up! Sometimes I'll take a few out early for smaller ones so good just quickly boiled then cut up with fresh dill from the garden with some butter and lemon, mmmm. They are carbs, but I allow them as I don't have to eat a great heaping plate full of them.

I thought my salad beds would be fuller by now, as they don't mind the cooler air, but I think they are drying out from the wind.
I will be mulching them with 'salt hay' from our beach. And endless supply of this dried grass that collects on our beach is great to hold in moisture and it's salty stems are good for keeping out snails.

I think I'll close this #sublimesunday and #walkwithme (more like hoble with me) post with some accidental garden art.

This morining, in my wobbly stand on one leg state, I was filling my watering can with the hose thusly:

And in my 'tippy' state took out the house and it fell from my hand leaving this amazing water on the wall abstraction that I rather loved.

It made me want to make some 'temporary' wall art in here when I'm a bit more stable, it might be a fun inclusion for my Sunday posts.

Well, I hope all are enjoying their Sunday and making it as sublime as possible.

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