Walk with me through my adoptive small town of Líbano, Tolima

Here is my first #walkwithme, I was first introduced to this hashtag through @phoenixwren, and the hashtag was founded by @lyndsaybowes. I'd love to see your day!

Walk with me Today!

1 - Stepping out the door who is there to greet me.jpg
Hello Master

This is the first thing I see as I step out my door, man's faithful companions eagerly awaiting their morning petting. You can see that our inner gardens are always around to greet the eye, and I cannot help but take another photo.

2 - Stopping to smell the orchids of the urban garden.jpg
Earth Orchids and Heliconias

Morning flowers help me start the day with joy in my heart!

3 - Leading lines come to me as Libano Tolima walk in the morning mountain visible.jpg
I learned leading lines in #photography101 class

As we step into the street I am bombarded by leading lines, fresh in my mind from my weekly photography lesson with @dmcamera. I line up the shot and it seems like the clouds play along as well.

4 - The overgrown urban gardens that we call home - ecoinstante sizes up a photograph.jpg
Those overgrown gardens we call home

I turn back and @ecoinstant is lining up a shot on her imaginary camera. She's using the imaginary one, I imagine, because she did not bring her real one with her this morning. She also snaps a (imaginary) photo with great leading lines.

5 - we head to the plaza Libano Tolima donde Fabis for a delicious breakfast caldo soup.jpg
Fish soup for breakfast!

We head to the Plaza de Mercado for breakfast, a special treat that we do no do every day but we really enjoy today to spend the morning together eating a delicious complete breakfast. Our first course is fish soup, followed by Huevos Pericos, scrambled eggs with tomato and onion, rice, an Arepa and a patacón. Very filling!

6 - second floor of the plaza de mercado libano tolima has many restaurants.jpg
Many tiny restaurantes

The plaza has a long line of tiny restaurantes, each run by a group of women or a family. Líbano runs on clientelism, and we always seem to eat Donde Fabis.

7 - From the balcony I can see the vendors selling their delicious vegetable wares plaza Libano Tolima.jpg
Vendors below

From the second floor of restaurants, we can look down into the principal plaza, getting a glimpse at the large area filled with agricultural products being sold in town.

Off to work

8 - I head to work down cobbled streets Libano Tolima always has mountain views no matter the direction.jpg
In Líbano Valley, all paths lead to the mountains!

I split up with @ecoinstante as she heads to get some keys made and run other errands and I head off to the office. I do many things and today is no different!

9 - working in the office a map of reforestation on one project.jpg
Dots are trees!

One thing that I do today is meet with an engineer who is explaining to me the process of creating map layers in ArcGIS. In this picture, we are seeing the GIS representation of a reforestation project that we worked on between 2012 and 2013. Every dot on that map represents a tree that survived (now 4 or 5 years old) and is now at least two inches in diameter at chest height.

10 - Afternoon in the urban garden.jpg
Relax after office work

After a long day managing several simultaneous projects in the office, I get to come home to the urban garden, and look around for something to do! It looks like there are both papayas and oranges to pick!

11 - Urban garden find some beans for dinner.jpg
Pole beans!

I also manage to find some beans! These will go great in a soup or a stew.

Thanks for spending the day with me! I like this format and hashtag and will keep it in mind when I have an interesting day, which I do every so often ;p

Love and Light to All!

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