Walkwithme - BeautifulSunday Glenmore beach, Hibiscus Coast, South Africa

Earlier in the week, I told you that we have moved to a new house. if it is in the will of the Lord, this will now be our home for the next 4 years,

So this morning, it was actually late morning we take a walk down to beach, now only 5 minutes from our home.


That is Glenmore beach, the tide was very low this morning and it was just lovely and calm. The 2 Jackies just love going with us to the beach and on a walk.


After been down by the beach we continue to stroll along the coastline on a footpath, just taking in the beauty of the day.


There was such a lot of lovely wild flowers along the way.

What color would you say it is the flower above? I am always looking for photos for the colorchallenges. For me the flower is more pink, magenta I would say than purple, as today was Sundaypurple. The colorchallenges is initiated by @kalemandra.

This one will be more fitting for the purple challenge, but there are so many shades of each color.

And then there was more of this ones. In Afrikaans my mother tongue they are called "vygies".

You know my number one passion is love but the ocean and nature are close on its heels. It is so wonderful to live in this paradise.

I feel so extremely blessed by God to be able to live here and sometimes I neglect taking walks or going for a swim.
Previously our home was about 2km from the beach, so we are must nearer now, hope to do more walks and swimming.


It was a feast of wildflowers the whole walk along the coast. We did not walk that far, at the most is was 1.5km. I need to walk further, getting more exercise to help me with my diabetes control.

As for now, it is 12h13 am in South Africa, so I need to be off to bed.

This post is an entry for walkwithme as well as • BeautifulSunday - initiated by @ace108 And what a beautiful Sunday it was. Thank you for walking with me.

Wishing you a week filled with love, happiness and blessings in abundance!

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