Walk With Me - Historical Murals Part 2 (Olsen Block)

This town I consider home has a rich history of immigrants pioneering this north west island. From rail owners to rum runners, Croatian fishermen to illegal Chinese workers, competing local tribes to a Pig War, stowaways to visionary leaders; the fabric of this town is woven tight by all of the stories. We are lucky to have a talented local artist by the name of Bill Mitchell who is impassioned by this history. He started a project in 1984 to preserve the characters and tales by way of hand painted murals. His house is a living museum which he plans to donate to the city upon his death. Take a walk with me as I show you a history of this town.

Skagit Saloon 1905

A regular of the Joker Bar and a local bar dog

Toulouse-Lautrec poster lady

Edna Whitney's tandem bike

Bill Bessner (artist's grandfather) and his 1921 Model T Bug

A cartoonist's rendering of a 1920's Flapper

These murals are on what is called the "Olsen Block". The Olsen Building was built in 1902 by Alfred Olsen - he was also the operator of the Skagit Saloon. In 1902 a fire destroyed all of the buildings on this block, the Olsen Building was then erected in phases. The building originally hosted 2 bars, 1 pool hall and a storage area for Marine Supply and Hardware - a testament to the culture of this seafaring pioneer town.

Learn more about me by reading my Introduction Post

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