Another Fantastic Mural in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

It's been a few rough days for @briancourteau and some of you have noticed my absence here because of it, so I'm showing you this spectacular house with murals that we stumbled upon several weeks ago; I just never got around to writing about until now :)

We had been out for a walk and Brian suddenly was very tired, so as serendipitous as it was, this was the spot he chose to rest, and I had no choice but to snap some photos of it and him. This is the front and the rest of the photos I took through that little white gate to the left.


Nothing like a gheko to welcome you home :) Yes, that's a beer in Brian's hand; it's called a Coronita, a small bottle of Corona about 200 ml tops. It's a perfect size because it doesn't get too warm before you finish it :)


This is to the left inside the courtyard. I had to snap the photos quick because even though I wasn't inside, I was still sticking my phone through the gate to snap the photos, and there was a "no trespassing" sign on it :)

A close up of the lovely flowers and hummingbirds.

Here's the building in the center with jellyfish, sting ray, fish and sea turtles,

but the really cool thing is that the jellyfish bodies are actually lights! I've seen it lit up at night and it's simply beautiful. Sorry though, because I don't have a photo of that ;)

To the right of that building seems to be two others; one in the center where the stairs are and one to the right with another awesome lizard painted on it.

Even in behind the stairs was painted, although the shade makes it difficult to see. Notice the roof is also painted! Someone sure took a lot of time doing this one!

I love how whimsical this wall is; a lizard, toucan and frog just hanging out, enjoying the sunshine :)

And finally, my most favorite person in the world, a little tired and forcing a smile for me and the camera :) xo


Would you ever paint a house like this? I love it and think it is so alive, but I also know it wouldn't suit the streets back home in Canada :) Its' beauty sure brought a lot of joy and an opportunity for rest for the two of us that day! After being here a year, I love that I'm still finding new murals to share with all of you :)

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