More Street Murals in Playa del Carmen

As promised, here is another amazing mural I found in Playa del Carmen. I chose to show you several close ups first, and then the "zoomed out" street view.

This is a close up of the right side of the mural. I thought the colors and detail were simply outstanding! And I figured out how to enlarge the photos (thank you @rwedegis) so please, take a close look at it. This artist is something else!! You can see the lines from the cement blocks that form the wall too.

This is a close up of the center of the mural. The color isn't as vibrant, but that's only because of the way the sun and shadows played on it all. Please keep in mind that I am only using my phone camera.

Finally, the far left of the mural with the beach and shoreline in the background and even a few cats (I think) having a lap at the water, which from the way the painting is done, I'm guessing they're drinking from a cenote, a fresh water source that flows into the ocean.


Here is the far left again, zoomed out...

the center...

and the far right! Notice that the palms in front of the flamingos are actually real ones :)

I wish I'd had the sense to take one panoramic view of the whole thing, but as they say (whoever they is), hindsight is 20/20 :)

Well? What do you think about this beauty??

I wonder who the artist is, and what he or she is doing now, because I'd sure love to give them some credit for this. Next time I'm there, I'll first take a panoramic photo and then look closely behind the greenery for a signature.

I don't know about you guys, but I'd love to have this as my fence in the backyard! Hope you enjoyed this one; no deep thoughts, just art appreciation. I have one more spectacular one coming; murals such as this deserve a post on their own :)


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