Some cool, quirky and beautiful sights from my day in Playa del Carmen, Mexico

This is my favourite photo I took today... it sums up a lot of what I love about Mexico; simple, easy, self-sustaining, and the importance of family and religion.

We got out for a little walk today and wandered around some streets we hadn't been to before. It was one of those perfect days; a few fluffy white clouds, beautiful blue sky and hot!

From a distance, I thought this "post" was some kind of chimney or something...

but upon closer inspection, we realised it was a 'dead' palm or coconut tree that perhaps woodpeckers had gotten into; I just thought it looked really interesting!

Then we spotted this mural on the cement fence around a house. I wonder if Coca-Cola endorses this? :)

I think at one point it had been a restaurant?

I love how people here create, like this stone wall around a property...

Then, from a distance, we heard what we thought was crying and wondered if maybe this little kid was caught in a tree and dad was helping...

...but as we got closer, we could hear them laughing because the dad was setting the baby in the tree for fun, and the proud little brother, giggling, hand on hip :) It was very sweet, and as we passed, the father turned to us, grinning.

It really is a simple life here!

Like how a lot of people have their own chickens and roosters

Notice the shrine in the background; so beautiful!

The rooster really was as big as he looks here! He started to do a little cocky dance for me too, so I backed away slowly:)

Of course today is Valentine's Day, love is in the air, and the market in the park was in full swing, trying to sell all their Valentine's goods. There's my love, @briancourteau, eyeing them up! I was so happy that he felt up to getting out for a little walk!

Check out this tree in the park...

...and it's extensive root system!

No such thing as safety standards here! We did get lots of waves from these guys as they passed...well, I think I did :)

We passed this little house that had transformed their driveway into a sweet little courtyard...

Brian was getting tired, and wished we could have taken a break there!

Thank goodness, one of our favourite restaurants, Chiltepin, was right around the corner. Perfect place for a Valentine's drink, snack and dip in their pool! (He was checking on steemit:)

I think he pushed himself too much for me today, because he started to really feel sore and tired, but I really appreciated him doing that for me! We got home just in time to see this wondrous sight...

A perfect ending to a perfect day, spent with the guy I love !! Hope everyone had a wonderful day too. Cheers!

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