Today I headed in a different direction. I have not been there for awhile and I was missing it. I had so much fun a few days ago with a virtual run with @donnadavisart that I have decided to take @lyndsaybowes with me today for a virtual run.
So we headed off from Seabright and headed down to Glen Margaret.

We started off well left, right, left, right as we slowly jogged down the highway. Once we got down to Glen Margaret we just knew that we could not miss the opportunity to jog up the Wooden River Road. We could hear the River from the highway. It was so loud. We knew the river would be powerful today, from the run off of snow and the amount of rain we have had.

We marveled at the river and its strength and its beauty. We thought, lets slowly jog up the road further. It's not an easy jog. It feels like a logging road. Rocks and ruts, torn up by Trucks and ATV's.

Our excitement mounts as the day is beautiful and now we know if we keep going we will come to the mouth of the river.

Ah..we see it now barely peeking through the bush.

It has suddenly gotten very quiet. We are excited to see the view as there are no leaves on the trees.

A rambled old shack. Sitting forlorn at a beautiful spot in Nature.

Suddenly it is super super quiet and we know we have arrived. Ahhh. a breathtaking view. So beautiful. We stop and rest for a moment taking in the wonder.

We think we will turn around now, this road seems to go on forever and we still have so much to see and enjoy.

We really can not figure out what is going on here. You be the judge. Looks like a giant rat's nest.

LOOK!!! We even find a puddle's frozen.

We follow the road back down to the highway and head to the bridge. From the top of the bridge we can really see the roaring river.

Now we are excited at the force of the river and we go to the other side of the bridge. Now we can see the force even better and watch it pushing itself into the Bay.

Into the bay it flows

WOW!! Hang tight to the railing we don't want to end up down there.

Ok @lyndsaybowes, let's keep going. You are doing so great! So much more to see as we head back to Seabright, This time on the water side. So much more to see.

We decide to get a little fancy and take some black and white shots .

Now I spy something through the trees. What is down there? Oh a beautiful sailboat.

One of my favorite things that man has ever created is a Sailboat. (That and chocolate), which you can eat on the Sailboat.

@lyndsaybowes is smiling at me. She knows I talk about Sailboats. A LOT!!!

Now this is neat. I wish we could rest our legs now and sit here and have a coffee. How fortunate that these fine people have such a lovely spot to rest.

We stop here for a moment as it is now getting hilly and take in another beautiful view.


Now we really have to laugh as we are jogging along, as @lyndsaybowes and I are always trying to outdo each other in who can find the worst looking shack. What do you think? Does this one not take the prize?

A final peek down below as we head up the highway. We wont see the water again now. We sure enjoyed it. You can smell the salt.

Well that is it. @lyndsaybowes did awesome. A real champ. I hope she comes along again sometime.

I hope that you all enjoyed the virtual run with myself and @lyndsaybowes. Let me know if you would like to come along too.


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