Hat Trick on a Sublimely Beautiful Sunday!


Greetings Friends!

Walk With Me on a Sublimely Beautiful Sunday!!!

Right there I am sure you can see where the hat trick comes into play. First let me thank my buddy @ace018 for hosting the BeautifulSunday tag. Also thanks to @lyndsaybowes for starting the WalkWithMe tag (I am 97% sure it was her lol) Finally thanks to @c0ff33a for hosting the SublimeSunday tag. See a hatrick or 3fer without even breaking a sweat!


In the morning, the lake was trying to melt, but was mainly still ice covered.

But by mid day, it was completely thawed!

Since the weather warmed up (40 degrees F) I have been walking and of course taking my camera even though it usually ends up with me having nearly frostbit hands lol.

The wind was whipping as evidenced by these natural streamers!

One tends to see some odd stuff while walking. I have no idea what this is. If you have an idea, lets hear it in the comments!


Round these parts, even the birds fly Old Glory!


Can you pick out the new guy??? LOL


By then, my daughter wanted to practice her driving, so we took a nice long ride of an hour each way. Where did we end up? None other than...

Of course trying to take a photo on my phone of the flag and the Bob Evans sign, I accidentally snap a selfie tsk tsk

The food was excellent!


Biscuits n Gravy Y'all?

Let me know if you love you some Biscuits n Gravy???


What Do You Think of this Combo???


Thanks for joining me for my Walk With Me on a Sublimely Beautiful Sunday

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