Walk with me #3 - A walk in the rain

Helloooo my friends...

It was such a nice rainy day in Damascus today, and I was walking and walking endlessly and then I stopped and thouhgt about taking some photos... & I'M GLAD I DID!!!
It was beautiful seeing that couple walking under one umbrella... <3

The smell of the streets was amazing, and the colors are of course a different kind of special.

This shop has the right idea, protecting the merchandise while showing the umbrellas...

Took a break from the rain on this bridge. I had to dry the phone. hehehe.

Then I had to wait for a guy near the ancient citadel of Damascus, which was fun cuz I love to walk by this amazing place and just look at it.

& the statue of Saladin and his soldiers. I tell you, it wasn't allowed to take photos of it when we were kids and it was new. So taking a photo now is cool!

The sun was trying hard to get out there, but the clouds had the numbers on her :P

& in the park, flowers were dancing to the wind. But they were kind enough to hold still for a second while I took my photos.

& the back tower of the citadel. You're officially in the old city.

The smell of the rain, like I said is amazing. But walking in these tight alleys, listening to music from cafes and shops, and smelling something else: people cooking lunch, you'd feel pretty special, AND SO HUNGRY I almost knocked on some door asking for a plate. :P :P

I don't know what happened at the bus stop, but it was raining alright!!

But the pigeons of the old city just didn't care. They were doing their usual thing... Just like I always do.
Btw, there are many puddles everywhere and it gets annoying sometimes. But this one is the exact opposite of annoying, with the pigeons drinking from it and flying around.

I hope you enjoyed today's walk. It was so much fun for me and it was my pleasure to share it with you.
Have a nice day. See you later.

I wanted to call it a windy and rainy day walk but I could only take photos of the rain for you, the wind was extra playful and didn't stand in front of the camera at all. :P

Till next post, Love and Light!!

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