Walk with Me! In the Pacific Northwest Island SNOW

OMG y'all we got snow. Check this business out and come out with me for a stroll around the property. Make sure that you bring your gloves, a scarf, and a hat! There is a wind coming out of the North, and it can get pretty chilly when you're not in the trees.

I've got my boots on with some THICK wool socks!

The view from the front of the house is incredible. It's really not that cold here, temperature-wise. The thermometer outside said it was hovering right at 32F degrees. I don't expect that the snow will stick around for much longer.

Eventually, there will be a vegetable garden behind this retaining wall. It gets a good amount of sun in the summer and fall.

Then up and to the right is the orchard! The trees here are anywhere from 20 to 30 years old, and some might actually even be a little bit older. And there is an assortment of apple trees here plus some Rainier cherry trees. They didn't do very well last year, so fingers crossed that this year is better.

This is just one of the many ferns that are out in the orchard. There are a lot of blackberry vines as well, and I am working to clear them out. It's not that I don't like blackberries! It's that there are plenty of them on other spots of the property.

This is just part of the trail system that goes around the back of the house. There are mostly cedar trees in this area.

Dog for scale!

Beautiful lichen along some of the fallen trees that still need to get cleaned up! There's still plenty of time though, so I am in no hurry.

I wish that y'all could get a sense of what being out here smells like! The air is so fresh, and so crisp, but you can still smell the unique aroma that these evergreen trees give off.


I love seeing crocus in the winter time! They are some of the most incredible flowers, and I'm so happy that there's not squirrels out in this area that want to dig them up and transplant them around. Apparently they have enough to do in the woods without worrying about these.

These purple and white striped ones came up about a week after the solid purple ones. I'm not really sure if there's a difference in them not, or if maybe these ones were just planted a little bit more deeply than the other ones.

Fingers crossed that the honeysuckle transplants survive! It has technically been colder than this, over the last couple of months. But they've never officially had snow on them yet. I'm sure it'll be fine, and they're not that expensive, but I really wanted to say that I had success with starting honeysuckle!

And then I got cold, so I started a fire and came inside. Now I have a little silly kitty napping on my lap, helping me to stay double warm.

Thanks for walking with me!

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