This place used to be beautiful,
It was never ruins.
I still can remember it all very clearly,
The way the stars array themselves in the sky with the moon carved beautifully amidst them.

I remember everything,
The alluring laughter of my wife and the feel of my daughter's fingers gently tugging my trousers.
"PaPa, tell me a story" she would say with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

I remember every single detail all too clearly,
The cool evening breeze blowing my wife's 'kaftan' as she struggles to tame it.
I never told her that I found it cute.

I remember it all
The sound of gunshots and cries of agony as I rushed amidst the chaos to get home.
The face of the man who shot my wife and child would forever be etched in my memory.
"I should have protected them" I said silently the zillion time as I stared at their unmarked grave.

The breeze blew against my face with the metallic smell of blood and gunpowder wafting through my senses.


I heard another bomb go off,
I looked up and stared blankly into the horizon and all I could feel was numbness.
I had nothing more to live for.

Seeing the black smoke twirl in the air, I slowly walked to my veranda and I calmly waited.
Waited for death's cold hands to engulf me.

This is dedicated to all bomb blast victims in Nigeria. Do not lose hope
This is to remind you that we are praying for you from the depth of our hearts. Please do not lose hope.

And to others, treasure the moment you spend with your loved ones, they won't always be around.

Image credit : Shuttersstock

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