Winter tree on a sunset | Watercolor Bucketlist ②


Aaaaand I am in the lab!!
I can't remember when was the last time I held a paint brush. Phew!!

I'm back with another WATAHKALAH (Watercolor) Bucketlist and this time, it's another sunset painting. Hmmm.... more sunsets to come, though.

So, why watercolor?

Watercolor is my preferred medium because it is cheaper than oil painting, less messy than pastel and less harder to control than gouache and acrylic. I'm kind of a perfectionist so watercolor allows me to de-stress and just go with the flow. The natural, nostalgic feel is also a plus.

This is the reference photo. Taken by yours truly.


Here's what I used.

  • Gum tape (for stretching the paper)
  • Watercolor (Cadmium red pale hue, Alizarin crimson hue, Phthalo blue, Yellow ochre, Ivory black)
  • #12, #8 and #4 round brushes
  • Copic liner 0.1 and 0.3
  • Cold pressed Watercolor paper
  • White ink (for highlight)

As I did on my last watercolor bucketlist post, I forgot again that I was going to post this thing. The painting process was so relaxing, I just forgot so pardon the randomness.

① Stretching the paper

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of stretching your paper before you even touch an pint of paint. By stretching your paper, you get less wrinkles and less to no "buckling" at all. So, get a bucket, soak that paper, tape it down and let it dry. Do it and you'll thank me later. If you don't believe me, do your research!


② PAINT AWAY!!! lol

As I was done stretching my paper, I got too excited to paint and just forgot to film the sketch for this one. So, to begin with, I sketched the mountain, signal towers and the tree ........ and then just vigorously painted the sky. (Sorry, please, don't kill me XD)



③ Detal-YEAH! (Details)

My favorite part!! As I was drawing the trees, I remember @fukumineko 's tip on how to draw branches. Draw dem like you be checking test papers.


Ya thought I totally forgot at all? Haha, you're right!
But I luckily filmed some parts of the process.
So, before I show you the final product, please watch the timelapse video below.



Grab a brush and let your feelings flow.

Check out my artistic friends

And this amazing people

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Artistic vessel of Furirin

Thanks for stopping by.

See you on my next post


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