Why I've Decided to Begin a Water Fast Starting This Evening

Good afternoon, Steemians!

I've decided I'm going to do a water fast of at least 3 days with no medical supervision. Oh no! The skies are falling. Wrong. I just watched a video that really made sense to me and I'd like to share it with you all.

I live in a country that lives to eat, not the other way around. I've been overeating for a long time. I'm not noticeably fat, rather a little overweight. I'm not fat, because I don't eat crappy food. I eat really healthy food, every single day, but I eat for 1.5-2 people. I'm not kidding, sometimes I eat 4,000 - 5,000 calories, and yes, I've counted. Some of you vegans might be in the same boat that I'm in and understand what I'm talking about.

I don't know why I do it, but I generally eat all of the food that I prepare. I hardly ever "put something away for later." Over the years I've trained myself just to finish everything on my plate. This began as a child where I was told that I needed to finish everything on my plate. Since then, I have a really hard time wasting food. I hardly EVER throw any food away, and when I do, it's when fruit has gone bad and I just chuck it in the compost, so at least I'm putting it back to nature.

I'm not new to fasting, but rather to complete water fasting. I'm telling you, this 12 minute video I just watched is very intriguing. I've been stuffing my face to the brim and hardly giving my body a chance to digest it before I start eating again. I believe this fast is going to do wonders for my overall health.

I decided to document this experience here, as well, because I know there are people on Steemit who have water fasted, and might be able to give me some pointers here and there even though it's not a very hard thing to do.

I highly suggest you watch this video that has experiments and science backing up the results before you begin to tell me that this isn't healthy in the comments section.

My last meal was just one hour ago, and I ate about double a normal meal as my last meal (go figure). I had curried vegetables with two whole huge bowls of pasta.

After this epic meal which probably weighed 3-5 pounds on its own, I decided to weigh myself with only my boxers on.

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Just now I weighed in at 183 lbs. and I'm 5'10" which puts me in the "Overweight" category, but not by much.

I'd like to see what happens if I go 3-5 days without food. Just water. No coffee. I know that the beginning of caffeine withdrawal isn't fun, I've gone through it before. It usually takes about 3 days for the headaches to stop. But after that, I remember life is great. Lol.

Realize that I just ate a huge meal, and I look pregnant because of that - started my fast at 4:30 EST on 07/20/17

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Thanks for stopping by, Steemians! Wish me luck! I will keep you updated each day :)

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