Jumping from page to page on the Web. Just as in "TV channel surfing"

You might not be aware of it, but there is a browser war being fought on the Web.

What's the best web browser for Windows? 

The web browser is one of, if not the, most-used applications on your computer. Where once Internet Explorer was synonymous with the web, now many people just fire up Chrome without a second thought. The move away from content that makes use of Adobe's Flash technology has been an ongoing issue in Web browser functionality. Firefox is the first of them to actually take action, making Flash content on-demand, rather than auto-playing it. Google has stated that an upcoming release of Chrome will do the same. Meanwhile, Chrome and Edge are the only browsers that come with Flash built-in, which, while politically incorrect, ends up being most convenient.

Most of us tend to choose a web browser and stick with it for years. It can be hard to break away from your comfort zone – especially when you've become used to its quirks – but trying a different browser can greatly improve your experience on the web. The internet is a big place, with a lot of content. Over one billion websites at the time of writing. With the web constantly changing, it’s hard to keep track of which sites have the best content and resources.

But what about those times when you just want to surf the internet aimlessly? Hey, no one can be totally productive all the time. The question is, how do you spend those breaks? You could check your email, but that still counts as working. You could check Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, but there's something so mundane about haphazardly scrolling through your peripheral friends' photos. Sometimes you may face problem while accessing some websites either it says this webpage is not available or this website/url has been blocked. If you still want to access a useful website from a place where it is blocked, the best way to access a blocked website is by using a proxy websites. Proxy sites can open restricted website which are blocked in colleges, schools, government offices, IP restricted etc.

If You are not cleaning your browser Cache,cookies,and unwanted history then it will leads us slow browsing on browser. You can get help of some software to speed up processing like Ccleaner --- Hah, all the answers suggesting mainstream browsers like Firefox, Chrome and Opera are a joke. Pre-webkit Opera was decent and frequently used on old hardware, now it’s just a Chrome spin-off.

Why Do We Say That We "Surf" The Web?

I am so happy to read people saying they get inspired by my simple posts. Thanks to everyone who follow me ...

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