[BootToon] Daddy & Daughters Diary - I'll Protect My Sister!


Like every younger sibling in the world, Mani also wanted to play with her older sister, Khani. It was the same when Khani's friend Mihyun came to play.

Mani: Me! Me! I wanna do it, too!
Khani: No, Mani! Don't interrupt!

Mani: Then you can't do, either!

Mihyun: Let's kick her out!
Khani: But...

Hold on for a second!!!!
What would you say if you were Khani?
Your answer could be similar to hers but it could be slightly different. Because everyone reacts differently.

Khani: I think it's too much to kick her out just because she never listens.

One day we came home from outing.

Mani got off the car with her socks on - she must have been pouting about something.

She walked up to the house. This probably reminds you of
the scene where she walked out of the house in this episode. [BootToon] Daddy & Daughters Diary - I picked it up at Kindergarten.

Mom: Your socks...

Mom: You wash your socks yourself! Got it?
Khani: Mommy...

Khani: That's too much to ask.
Mom: Then what would you do if you were her mommy?

Khani: Well, it's true that Mani did something wrong, so...

Khani: I'd hit her.

Do you know what vigorous thirty-something couples are the most afraid of?

Woman: Honey, the moon is so bright.
Man: Right, I think the moon wants to tell us something...

And then -

Ba- Ba- Bam!!

Mani: I'll sleep here, with you Mommy and Daddy.
Mom: What?!!

Mom: You promised me! You said you'd sleep in your room with your sister!
Mani: But why are you sleeping with daddy?

Mom: Because... because!
Mani: Why?

Mom: Because I love him!
Mani: I know!

Mani: That's why I let you sleep with daddy yesterday!

Finally Mommy got angry and scolded her.

Mani cried.

Khani: Mom! If I were you,

Khani: I wouldn't say like that!

Mom: Do you know how hard it is for me?

Mom: Then you do the mom!

Khani: (After pausing a moment, very firmly) No.

Khani: I... can't do that.

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