We are taking a walk through Old Town on our way to the train station to pick up a friend. I parked near the Opera House which is only a few blocks away. The train station has parking, but then my #WednesdayWalk with @tattoodjay would be nonexistent.
Many of the building come from another era, many years ago. Like so many towns in Northern Virginia, you get a warm feeling walking through their towns. I am surrounded by towns like this and I love it. People are always amazed that the Washington, DC metro area has these pockets of pretty.
There is so much that can be said for the friendly manner in which I am greeted when I go into the Post Office and see my people. It takes so little effort to be kind to people and extend simple courtesies. Wave to my Post Office workers. Give one, get one.
Up and down the streets, the benches are an adventure and journey for your imagination.
We have only gone about five blocks, but, if you are like me, a nice cappuccino sounds like a nice diversion, a break in the walk. Slow down, you're moving too fast. We did the brisk run through town and now we will take it down a notch. We are running ahead of schedule.
This is one of my favorite places to peruse. Oh, I love my kindle, but, it will never replace the feel of a book in my hands. The sense of it. One day, I will bring you inside. It is pretty unique and doesn't have only books. Do they ever?
We are only a minute from the commuter train station from the Pavillion. Farmers Markets are held here, civic events...they even have ice skating in the winter. In the summer, I have spent many moments listening to the music floating through Old Town via the Pavillion. Lawn chairs and blankets adorn the area and it is like a neighborhood night out.
Quaint little waiting area
And ... here she comes!
Love is all around you!
So the joy may touch your soul
(¸.•´♥ (¸.•´ ♥
As an aside: Happy International Cat Day!
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