Fun Wednesday Walk Challenge - Photos included! Come walk with Jenny

Come take a walk with me

I have been meaning to get out and get some footage with the camera. In my house, we have a camera that the Mr. got, a mirrorless one with manual lenses. It is a Sony a6000. I have been recently trying to get a bit more familiar with it as I am getting more and more into video production and want to be a bit more creative by storyboarding some things and creating my own shots. So, I thought why not try capturing some stuff using the camera we do have, that takes phenomenal still shots by the ways (assuming you stand still enough and focus well enough using the lenses).

It just so happened that today I was told about @tattoodjay and his Wednesday Walk Challenge. If you know JJ (which is what I call him) you know that he loves to walk. Even when he wasn't supposed to be walking at times he has shared that it helps with stress and whatnot, and of course, he takes amazing photographs of things so even more important that this photographic soul needs to walk. I thought what better thing to do than to go out and do what I have said I would for a couple of days, which was going out to capture some video (and I took some stills too). I didn't have enough time to play with some of the videoes I got, it was more to practice than anything for my process, but I did take a couple of walking videos of myself and made them into a little gif for you to enjoy.

Every time I watch this a song comes up in my head. Can you guess which one it is?


The Challenge

So, onto the challenge. I did not set my phone app to track my distance but I would say I walked maybe a mile and a bit. I was out for quite a long time but that was because I was capturing various still shots of the scenery around my area, as well as some videos. I kept rotating between the 4 different lenses and a couple of adapters I had. I did this so I could see the difference between the shots, clarity, distances, etc. Here are a few of the pictures I took around my area, for you to enjoy. I certainly had fun taking them as I am not really much of a photographer.

A few of the many beautiful Oak trees I have around me.


Spanish Moss. It is found on most of the Oak trees around.


Playing with a lens and realizing the beautiful bokeh in the background, this is one of my favorite lenses now.


Trying to be creative by peering through a bush to stare at a stop sign.


A new look at my tinkerbell wind chime.



Rules for the Wednesday Walk Challenge

This challenge, like I mentioned above, was started by @tattoodjay. Here are the rules that he divised for this awesome walking challenge below.

Snipped from @tattoodjay post here


I do hope you enjoyed some of my photographs, I had a fun time. I will have even more fun using some of the videos I captured as well, although the gif was cool to make. Thanks, @snook for giving me the link to the gif making site the other day because it made things super easy.

Wondering what song I was thinking of, and maybe possibly singing while I rewatched those walking clips? Here are the lyrics that keep replaying:
..But I would walk 500 miles. And I would walk 500 more.. - The Proclaimers.


Thanks so much for reading! This was fun, and I am certainly glad I got it in before the end of Wednesday, even if it is nearly midnight.


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