Weekend Freewrite


Gudrun, the mistress of the Keepers Club, turned to him and pointed her finger.

"You promised! You said you'd leave her for me and now you want out? You liar!"

She was so overcome with rage her cheeks turned flash red. If you stood close enough you'd see her blood shot eyes. She was trembling.

"I... I..."

No amount of words could prepare Shem from what happened next as she screamed and charged at him. He tried grabbing her but couldn't stop her in time. He felt hot flashes of pain as her freshly polished nails digged into his skin.

"You lied! You liar!"

I pedaled out of the driveway, knowing that my only way was forward. I couldn't stand the sight of it.

I knew it. I always knew. I could see it in his eyes. Those longing eyes. He's never look at me that way. Not even when we were dating back then.

Why now? It's been many years. 8 long years. I thought this would go away, but it seems the longing stayed. She has never left. Gudrun has never left. 8 long years.

Stop. Stop crying. I'm not the victim here. I am not a victim.

No. Turn back. It's time to face the demons heads on. I shouldn't be the one leaving, they should. That's my house!

No, no, no! This can't be happening!

"Gudrun! Shem! Don't you dare! It's not funny! This is not a joke!"


"Sanza, wake up! Are you alright? Talk to me!"

"What... What happened? Why am I here? Shem, you're... You're alright!"

"Why wouldn't I be? Are you having one of those crazy dreams again? Good thing I locked the door on my way out, God knows what could've happened. I was just heading to the driveway when I heard you... There was noise, yelling and shouting coming from our bedroom."

"I'm alright, I think. Go ahead, I'll be fine. I'll just grab some aspirin, my head hurts."

"Okay, but only if you promise to grab breakfast with grandma later. She misses you. See you hon'... Got some matters to deal with at the club. I'll do the dishes tonight.", smiling apologetically as he left a peck on my cheek.

Was that really just a bad dream?

That was the very same collared shirt he wore in the dream.

And those scratches on his left arm...

"Oh, and Sanza... Don't do anything stupid. You know what happens when people try to come at me. Love you!"

A familiar fear sliced through me like a cold kitchen knife.

I could smell the faint fragrance of Gudrun's perfume lingering in the room. Where has she been? I gifted her that perfume for her birthday 5 years ago and had never heard from her since. She was my best friend. But it was an open secret; she was his mistress, my husband's mistress.

Hope you enjoyed this freewrite. This is my first attempt on a weekend freewrite, it consists of 3 unrelated prompts with the purpose of igniting your imagination and creativity. You can find more information on how to do it here, come try it out yourself. If you wish to start simple, there are also single prompts available, feel free to check out this space.




art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


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