#WeekendWasted - Unwanted Adventure on a Calm Night

Was given a heads up by @ace108 about a new contest 'WeekendWasted'
being run by his friend @dumar022 for newbies (registered in May 2017 or after).

Because it's the first run of the contest, old photos can be submitted. That's great, because I'm rarely wasted or around wasted people these days ;)

But 4 years ago, things were very different.

I used to share an apartment with 3 guys during my exchange semester at Emory University.

One night, I was home alone while everyone else was out partying, and I heard advancing elephant-like sounds that make me sit tight and upright in watchful caution. Sporadic, uneven stomping and the sound of someone smacking into the wall came closer, closer, closer! Then, the elephant fumbled roughly with the key at the front door.

Whew, it's just my drunk roomie . . .the question is, which one?!

He finally stumbled into the apartment, bulldozing exaggeratedly into each of the walls. It was the roomie I least suspected! My 20-year-old rich-kid Hong Kong Chinese roomie who was always mugging his books in the library. LOL.

'Nathan?! I thought it was an elephant coming up the stairs! How drunk are you? Are you alright?' I exclaimed, with laughter in my voice.

He staggered over to me and plopped down onto my lap! Ooof!! He looked fairly normal, but stank of alcohol and his voice was slurred.

'Jusss a lirll beeet.'

'You're heavy, can you get off please? I'll get you a baggy.' I pushed him off onto the floor where he sat with puppy-dog eyes.

I grabbed a big plastic bag for standby and a mug of tap water and put them beside him.

'Drink some water, you'll feel be. . . ' The words were hardly out of my mouth before he bent over and threw up into the bag, then sprawled flat onto the floor right next to the footwear. . . Ew!

He started to mumble stuff to me that were only embarrassing for him (I won't include them here in case he reads this some day - I never told him what he said when he asked me the morning after). I ignored him and made some pictures. hurhur


About 5 minutes later, he stirred and slurred, 'Toilettt'. I helped him there, prepared the toilet bowl, and left him standing with two hands on the bathroom sink for support. As soon as I had walked out, I heard a THUD.

Rushing back in, I saw that he had fallen forehead-first into the bathroom mirror. Ouch! That'll hurt tomorrow!

(too bad I didn't get a photo of his face planted on the bathroom mirror lol)

Fortunately, my backup came — another guy friend arrived, beckoned by my SOS text message. I gladly let him take over the peeing assistance project. After being helped into bed, Nathan spent the next 14 hours in a stupor on his bed. Just like that, my adventure was over.

I do apologise for the grainy pics. These photos were taken using my old Samsung phone which unfortunately made low quality pictures.

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