Lipoglaze Cryotherapy - Does it work?

We’ve all been there right? Over indulged, drank too much, enjoyed ourselves on holiday, and before you know it - POW! You have put on a good couple of stone? I know I certainly did. Thing is, I used to be able to lose the weight so easily with no exercise. I was still able to eat what I wanted whether that be a big bowl of carbs, having sweet every night or going out for a slap up meal. I think the weight gain mainly came from being on holiday especially when food and drink is all inclusive. I wasn’t one of these people who ate 3 meals a day. I was quite happy with a cup of coffee in the morning, nothing all day and one meal at night. My supper wasn’t unhealthy either. I would have chicken and salad or fish and vegetables. I was able to lose the pounds in a fortnight.

So what’s changed?

From November last year my weight wasn’t going anywhere. I couldn’t understand why. My eating habits hadn’t changed from when I returned from my holidays. So why was it being really hard to shift? I was even more active. I used to drive to work, but instead of driving I was walking for 30 mins to get to work. It wasn’t a slow walk either, I would make sure I was hot footing it to raise my heart rate. I also came home and did 30 minutes on my X-trainer daily. This really got me down. I had put on a stone and I couldn’t shift it. I had gone up to almost 10 stone! It might not sound like a lot to most people, but for someone who is petite in height, it was a lot! I used to do Slimming World a few years ago and that worked! I followed the eating plan that I used to do as well. The pounds still stayed put. What was I going to do? Maybe Liposuction?

Could I have Liposuction?

I decided to book myself in for a consultation for Liposuction. Firstly, the consultant worked out my BMI (Body Mass Index). She said you have to be in a certain category before she could book me in to see the Surgeon. Thankfully I fell into a category that was able to have Liposuction. I wasn’t worried about seeing the surgeon as I had previously seen him for another procedure. I was happy with the results he gave my years ago, so I was happy to see him again. I trusted him. When I saw the surgeon and explained what I wanted done, he questioned me ’Why?’ I had told him I wasn’t happy with my body. My stomach used to be flat, nothing had changed in my circumstances and I couldn’t shift the weight. I told him I wanted a flat stomach. I had previously seen in the tabloids of celebrities who were ginormous compared to me and had had Liposuction. They were so slim! If they could do it from being so big, then why can’t I? I had told the surgeon I have tried to diet and exercise but nothing was happening. I explained I used to lose the weight so easily but for some reason, it wasn’t coming off. He told me to stand up in front of a mirror. He prodded my stomach. Then he asked me to lie down on the bed. He asked me to breathe in, which I did and he held his finger pressed into my stomach. Then he asked me to breathe out, still with his finger on my stomach. He told me there was not enough fat for him to remove and said I would barely notice any change if I did go ahead with the procedure. He said I could end up with saggy skin too. He wrote on the form I was not a good candidate. I was gutted!! I walked out feeling so deflated and low. I immediately went home and started looking online for other procedures. Did I find the answer I was looking for? What was this Lipoglaze Cryotherapy I had come across?

What is Lipoglaze Cryotherapy?

Lipoglaze works by using the most advanced method of fat reduction available on the market. Cryolipolysis, cryotherapy or cryogenic lipolysis works by using cooling temperatures to reduce stubborn fat. The dead cells (known scientifically as apoptosis) are metabolised and results can be seen between 2-12 weeks post treatment. Lipoglaze has been successful in reducing single treatment areas by up to 59% in just one session! Lipoglaze is far more effective than Cavitation, Radio Frequency and Lasers, as it provides a more permanent result. - Amabelle

I booked myself in for a consultation for Lipoglaze. The gentleman asked me about my eating and exercise routine from my teens to present day. He said with my eating habits I should be obese. He told me I wasn’t drinking enough water and I should aim for 3-5 small meals a day, rather than all in one go. No carbs after lunch and bread, pasta, potatoes and rice were an absolute No-Go! This worried me as I thought I would put on even more weight as I was used to 1 meal a day and had done this since the age of 18, plus I love my carbs!! He explained to me how Lipoglaze works and said I would be a good candidate. He told me I need to aim for at least 3 litres of water a day, alcohol once a week and 1 cheat day a week. I wasn’t looking forward to this. Needs must though.

The day of treatment came. I was attached to a machine for about 2 hours in total. Firstly I had a big suction cup attached to my stomach. My God was it uncomfortable! I felt like someone had ripped my belly button out! The apparatus was very warm to begin with for about 45 secs and then it cooled down to very cold. Once the coldness was taking place, I was able to relax. I couldn’t move though as I had a horrible sensation in my stomach and laughing or coughing wasn’t going to happen either. I just laid back and watched the TV. An hour passed and the big suction cup was removed! What a relief! My stomach fell weird and numb to the touch. I then had two smaller suction cups attached to each side of my waist. The same happened, but it was much more comfortable. So much so I fell asleep! When the time was up, I was woken up. Nothing to see on my body apart from a few bruises on my hips. I was given a nutrition plan and was told I had to stick to it to gain maximum results. As well as that and drink plenty of water, I had to increase my exercise and to concentrate on getting my heart rate up even more. I thought Lipoglaze was going to be easy. A machine to remove the fat and that was that. How wrong was I? I didn’t think I’d have to eat and train like an athlete!

Was it worth it?

Well I had Lipoglaze done 5 months ago. During that time I have been keeping a diary of what I eat and at what time, when to drink water and keeping to a daily fitness regime which consists of body weight and cardio. I am pleased to say I have come down to under 9 stone and boy does my body look toned. My stomach is a lot flatter and my waist has got smaller and more of an hourglass shape. However, I am yet to see some abs. My friends have said I look great and I am definitely happy I can get back into my skinny jeans! I do enjoy my cheat days, I do make the most of them. The hardest part for me is cutting out the carbs. Lipoglaze Cryotherapy is worth it if you are prepared to put in the hard work as well. Part of me is sceptical whether I would have achieved the same results by just doing the exercise and following a nutrition plan alone.

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