Competition: #welcometosteemit

Create a uplifting Post, worthy of hitting Trending that would best suit a new visitor to


What is Trending?

Trending is the 'home' page that new visitors to see when they hit site. It is the page that the likes of Bloomberg scanned when preparing their interview with @ned the other day. First impressions are clearly important, and judging by what they saw, Bloomberg felt the need to comment:

People have said that the content so far has been pretty low quality

Now as @surfermarly stated yesterday, it's not that Steemit is all low quality, it's that:

the evaluation mechanism as well as the way of sorting and displaying the published content that could be improved. - @surfermarly

I agree, but how else can we sort the 'catch all' Trending page?

In future, I see Communities with their own Trending pages, potentially managing them with a powerful community account, and restricting/hiding Bot boosted content.

This doesn't help the Home page though, and so for now, the articles with the highest potential rewards are what the world sees first. And let's face it, this potential reward does not correlate to the quality of the Posts. (As least not how envisioned, burn!)

Would anyone begrudge @steemit releasing 1 vote a day that could blow any article to the top of the pile? - I'd take a reward pool hit for that.

It is one of my arguments against Bid-bots, but not the main one. If you take those boosted articles out of Trending, the quality doesn't rise much, if at all. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked, back to the reason for this Post...

Competition #welcometosteemit

I'd really like to see at least one (but the more the merrier) positive and killer article regarding steem/steemit hit trending. An article, that if I was a new visitor to the site which would make me think, 'hey this place looks pretty sweet!', 'perhaps I should register and get involved', 'this place could change the world!'.

OK, wishful thinking perhaps, but let's see what we can do.

What to potentially include?

  • A positive title and theme!
  • Basic intro to 'blockchain' / 'steemit'
  • Some basic/clear data
  • Mentions of thriving communities - tag them?
  • Humor is usually a good thing!
  • Something awesome you have witnessed that happened because of Steem/Steemit
  • The tags #welcometosteemit and #steemit

Rules / Guidelines / Help me

Arranging events on a Blog site isn't easy, and I don't expect this to be any different. But I've decided on the following to try to give a good shot. The goal is to get something on Trending, apologies in advance if that doesn't quite happen!

  • Do not post today! Prepare the article and make it look pretty, ready to go out on Sunday. It's going to take a concerted push to get the best one/s anywhere near Trending, and so any support I can muster up, needs to be focused.
  • I will put out a post on Sunday at 2 pm Eastern Time, which will be 8 pm Central European Time, prompt the posting of the links in the comments
  • Drop a link to the post in the comments on Sundays post

So if/when posts start to arrive on Sunday, It would be cool to get some help reading through the entrants and deciding which one/s to push. I will put a @steem-bounty on the post to try to encourage entrants and reviewers.

Again, this could not go as planned, but I'm going to try and make it worth your while working on such an article.


Put your Steem where your mouth is time. Guaranteed for the owner of the post deemed best suited to task by myself (and anyone around who's reviewing):

  • 1000 delegated Steem Power for a month
  • 20 SBD
  • a 100% upvote and a resteem from this small Dolphin with 9500 followers
  • a 5 SBD Bounty added to the post

Potential other kickbacks include:

  • Bid-bot sends - Potentially - Maybe a Bid-bot owner would like their account showing high on the voters list of such an article, and wish to promote it themselves - stranger things have happened!
  • Up-votes from awesome Steemians who think your post should be on Trending
  • More eyes and followers on your future content
  • Further prize boosts from anyone willing to chip in
  • A thank you from @ned for saving his ass ;)

I will be dropping a link to the chosen post to people who I think may see this as a worthwhile initiative to support. No promises here at all, but I shall try my best.

It's a big ask to get something on Trending. But if we can get enough people to collectively focus their energy/SP on a particular post, it could happen.

Then, we can all stand back and admire (for a few days at least) a piece of content that is pushed by community consensus to the top of the tree - wouldn't that be something.

Good luck everyone, see you on Sunday afternoon/evening (EST/CEST)




I am one half of the Witness, @steemcommunity - Find out about our project here

Discord: SteemitBC

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