#welcometosteemit - Winner(s) announcement

OK so that was totally crazy, but what an amazing set of entries!


I really should have planned this post so not to have to write it now, and probably put a window on the accepted entries, and asked for English (sorry), and got a team of reviewers, and so many other things, but this is live and I'm winging it!

The entrants were on the whole, totally amazing. THANK YOU so much to everyone who submitted something, amazing response and my little laptop could not handle loading the pages up at times!

I wanted to get the winner/s out on resteem and plug them to people ASAP, this is not the ASAP I was thinking of, but because of the response, that's the way it has turned out!

Sorry if you did not have time to enter - I'll not be including them for prizes from this point. However, I will be checking the tag for the next few days, and making sure I comment and vote as much as I can on everyone who has entered.


In first place, and just for the most complete, encouraging, steemit shilling awesomeness, I have decided to go for..


Just brilliant guys, exactly what I wanted to see!

My other 2 which I totally love also are:




Thank you Dave, and Marly. These are also both just so perfect for a new visitor to learn what this place can do!

I'm going to resteem all 3, and I'd love to see them all upvoted to high-heaven and will be (re)voting them all up with 100%.

If you have one vote to spare at maximum, give it to @mountainjewel.

You guys will also be receiving the 1000SP delegation, and the 20 SBD. I'm going to have to give something to the 2 runners up to though cause well, I love them too!

Thank you so much for entering everyone, and thank you to everyone engaging and reviewing the entries. I have a feeling my VP is going to be toast by the time I've been through the post and the submissions.

Sorry if you didn't get time to submit, I hope my choices were good ones.

Thank you, that was a crazy but amazing 2 hours!

Asher @abh12345

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