⏺Are your goals clear enough?

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There is a lot to be said on the topic of setting goals.

I imagine creating goals with the idea of using a candle. If you light up a candle in a dark room, most people will assume that there is not enough light being produced by the candle. However, that is in fact incorrect. See, if you take the same amount of light being produced, and you use a flash light, and point it at something in the same room, you will clearly be able to see whatever is in that spot.


The only difference being focus.

The candle has small bits of energy shooting everywhere, never really impacting anything, where as the flash light is using the same amount of energy, but pointing it in a single confined spot.


You will notice with any adjustable flash light that the bigger you zoom it out, the weaker the light.. Vice-versa for when you make the light zoomed in more, it is a lot brighter.

See, we are all only human. One person doesn't necessarily have more potential than another.

Aside from the candle analogy I just used, here's another way to look at it.. Imagine someone at the beach. They get this idea that they want to dig a hole in the sand. They have the choice to use one of two different tools to help them dig. A shovel, or a tea spoon.

See, most people pick the tea spoon in life. They go on to use this tea spoon to try and dig their huge hole, and never end up understanding why they are not succeeding..

You need to put your spoon down, and start using your shovel!


The more specific your goals are, the more obsessed you become. The more obsessed you become, the more results will start to show.

It's a very simple concept.

In life, you get what you ask for. If you ask for some money, life will give you dollar. Then the general reaction would be that the concept didn't work, and that they didn't get what they wanted.. But that's not true. They never said how much they wanted.

Trust me, the guy who drives his Ferrari or Lamborghini isn't much better than you are. And he knows this. The only difference is that he decided that he wanted to do whatever it would take to be able to own that exotic car, and you decided to settle for less (just an example :P).

Ferrari 458.jpg

Start setting your goals. Start deciding exactly what it is you want to achieve.

Here are some of my goals here on Steemit for the next 45 days:

⏺ To be at a minimum of 6000+ total posts.
⏺ To have a minimum of 1000 followers (hopefully closer to 1500).
⏺ To reply to every single comment on every single post I make.
⏺ To make a new friend every single day.
⏺ To make the best quality content I am able to make.

Let me know some of your guys' goals :) I would love to hear them!

As of right now, it has been 17 days since I have joined Steemit :)

My main Instagram account is currently at 35.8K+ Followers.

You Can Follow Your Boy Here @ENAZWAHSDARB (420+ Amazing Followers Strong)

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