10 Questions Icebreaker Whatchamacallit

Always some mixed emotions when being nominated for this kind of thing. I feel current readers either know me 'enough', or don't want to know me (which is fine). Anyways, here we go again, and this time it's thanks to @raj808, who likes asking awkward questions, and eye-balling Seals :)

1. What supernatural power would you want to have?

Invisibility. And without the requirement to don a stupid cloak or a ring that sends you all weird and overly precious. I had lots of reoccurring dreams about being chased when I was younger, and most of the time invisibly (and flying) bought me some time. They always get you in the end though.

Nowadays I'd use this power for being a creeper, stealing from the rich to give to the poor, and finding stuff out which wouldn't be out of place on Wikileaks.

2. If you could choose your birth place, where will it be, and why?

As long as it was temperature/hot all year round I'd be OK with that. Although, being a Brit has it's benefits (at least until Brexit ruins things?) as you have a fairly open passport for travel and reasonable education options And then, like me, you can make a run for the sun at a later date.

https://www.passportindex.org/byRank.php - United Arab Emirates is the number 1, ranked by 'visa-free' score. I didn't know that.

3. If you could go back in time to meet someone from the past, who will it be and why?

Not sure if listing relatives is cool for space-time continuum but i'd like to 1) Go see my Dad at 40 to find out if he was as big a plonker as stories suggest. And 2), go see my Grandma to tell her how ace she is.

If relatives are not allowed, then I guess a visit to the Wright brothers would be pretty cool. A chance to feel all clever and help them discard some of the designs to save a bit of time and effort.

4. Which childhood memory is your favorite?

I can think of at least 3 occasions where I've scored goals playing football from distances/angles that an 8-10 year old, who isn't now playing for Barcelona (OK, coaching then!), should not have scored from.

1996 Becks? Pfft, try '86 buddy 😛

I also remember hearing 'he's taken it too far' after I'd skipped past a few opposition players and to the bi-line, before crossing to the back post for a teammate to score a 1 yard header. That shut them up!

5. What are the three things you notice in the opposite sex first?

Eyes, smile, and the utter disdain towards my footwear.

6. If Life was music, what song will yours be playing ?

Impossible! How about 2 from Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, in 'Tonight, Tonight' (good day) and 'Thirty-Three' (bad day).

7. If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?

Drunk in charge of Bicycle.

8. In one sentence, how would you sum up the Steem platform?

A circle-jerk of circle-jerks with industry disrupting potential.

9. What’s the funniest Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?


10. What’s something your brain tries to make you do and you have to will yourself not to do it?

Smoke, drink, gamble, and write much more here!


Let's see if @elipowell has time away from her busy schedule to tell us a bit more about herself. Yo @smasssh, you up for this? I also wonder if @meesterboom has time to break from his (excellent) posting schedule. @blewitt, you are up also, after you've straightened that chandelier.

But really, anyone, If you want to write a post, do it! Tag me for 3 cent up-votes, at least!

This challenge was started by @daniel-otaniel, who has the urge to jump off buildings but is still here, thank goodness.

The fine print

• Make a post answering all ten questions, be fun and spontaneous, you don't have to think so hard.
• Link this post to your post, so that others who are to join, get to know the rules for joining.
• Add either of #tenquestions or #icebreaker as one of your tags, this would make it easier for others to get to read your answers.
• Nominate at least three other users to join this challenge.
• Have fun.

Alright, I shall go back to my JSON queries and ideas for retention/engagement games.

Have a good one!


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