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Interesting Facts about Killer Whales


Assuming many lay people that sharks are predators who are at the top of the marine food chain apparently untrue. The true ocean predator is a killer whale or orca whale (Orcinus orca)

In fact, the alleged killer whales as the most frightening predators in the oceans have been around for a long time. There are stories from many fishermen who once watched the killer whales defeat the mature white sharks. In fact, some are telling their experiences when seeing the killer whales defeat two sharks at once and eat them.

Until October 4, 1997, off the coast of California, a group of pope observers managed to capture the moment when the killer whales eat an adult white shark.

Killer whales are known to have high intelligence. That's why they are able to defeat sharks that only fight instinct.

In fact, a 14-year-old killer whale named Wikie at the Marineland Aquarium in Antibes, France, became the first known killer whale to speak similar to human language, such as "hello" and "bye bye".

There are at least 10 interesting facts related to killer whales that you need to know. Let's look at the following:

Killer Whale Ever Called 'Pope Killer'

Why is it called killer whales? The killer whale was once called a "whale killer" by a sailor who saw him assaulting the pope. Over time, the name was reversed.

Killer Whale Not Fish, not even Pope

Killer whales are not fish. They are marine mammals. However, the killer whale is also not a whale. Killer whales are a type of dolphin. The largest type of dolphin. Perhaps because of its large size, these mammals are called whales.

The Greatest Killer Whale Ever Known is 9.8 Meters

Really big, along bus for comparison. It weighs about 11 tons or 9,979 kilograms, or the African elephant equivalent.
Typically, the killer whale has a length between 4.9-9.1 meters and weighs about 3-6 tons or about 2,722-5,443 kilograms. Male is bigger than female. In fact, at birth, the killer whale already has a length of about 2.4 meters and weighs 181 kilograms-400 kilograms. No wonder the killer whales become the world's largest predator.

Killer Whale Hunting in a Group and Have a High Level of Hunting Success

Killer whales are carnivores. They eat fish, including white sharks, squid, crabs, lobsters, seals, sea lions, dugongs, sea birds, penguins, sea turtles and of course, whales, including baby sperm whales and baby blue whales. According to scientists, they will also eat polar bears if there is a chance!
Killer whales hunt in groups. Supported by their intelligence, killer whales have a high rate of hunting success.

Killer Whales are Social Beings and Have Their Own Language

Killer whales are very social creatures. Killer whales can gather together to form clans. They can also be divided into small groups. They hunt and sleep together. They communicate with each other and help each other in trouble. When one member dies, the rest is believed to mourn.

The language of killer whales is one of the most complex in the animal kingdom. They produce high-pitched whistles, throbbing calls, and low-frequency sounds. Whistles are used for close-range communication or personal communication, while pulsed calls are used for remote communication. In addition to communicating through sound, killer whales communicate through touch and through various movements, such as patting the fins.

Killer Whale Can not Smell Odor

Killer whales do not have any olfactory organ or brain lobes that are dedicated to odors so it is believed that they can not smell. However, they have good sense of sight and hearing. They can hear better than dogs and even bats.

Kill Killer Whale with One Eye Only

Many have mistakenly thought that the whale's whites are their eyes, but they are not. The eyes of the killer whales have a location that is not much different from other dolphins. And like the other dolphins, killer whales can not fully sleep because they have to rise to the surface to breathe occasionally.
Instead, they sleep with only half of their brains. If the left eye of the killer whale opens, it means the right side of his brain is awake and the other is asleep, and vice versa.

Killer Whales are the Mammals with the Biggest Spread (Without Counting Humans)

Killer whales can be found in all the oceans of the world, in warm and cold waters, even in frozen waters. How can they survive the cold? They have a thick layer of fat under their skin, called a blubber.

Although their populations are large and equally distributed throughout the oceans and there is no hunting on them on a large scale, this does not guarantee that the killer whale will not go extinct. They are susceptible to pollution and their populations can also come down if they have trouble finding prey from pollution.

The oldest known killer whale 103 years old

Killer whales live longer, more than 90 years. Females live longer than males. Killer whales often die of old age or illness.

In the Wild, Killer Whales Have Never Been Recorded Killed Man

No killer whales are known to attack, let alone eat humans in the wild.
While in captivity, another story. Several trainers and seafarers have been attacked by killer whales, and among them killed. However, scientists claim that this is due to pressure on the part of the killer whale body that makes it act aggressively.
The killer whale named Tilikum is known to have killed three different trainers in 1991, 1999 and 2010.

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