Did You Know about these "Hidden Figures" in American History?

History — is a strange thing! We begin to study it at school. Continue to read and interest in history of world disasters and the past of country in the institutions. "Swallow whole" adventure novels and short stories about the Middle Ages and the period of the French Revolution. The most persistent of us don't stop there. Moving to the philosophical treatises of Chinese philosophers, monographs and research of modern scientists. In our mind originates ready to picture, which rarely that can complement or destroy. Such a deafening "RAM" was for me the film "Hidden Figures" — american film director Theodore Melfi, which was released on 25 Dec 2016 (having to collect at the box office to date an impressive amount of 230 million dollars). The film starred great actors — Octavia Spencer, Kevin Costner, Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monáe and many others.

About what is this picture? I don't like spoilers. Can only say, that everyone who watches it, will be able to find in this film something of their own. Now it's important for me to Express my own opinion about the period of time, about which filmed movie. Namely, 60-e, 70-e years of the last century — the era of the first launches of manned spacecraft. First with animals aboard. Then — with the first man - Yuri Gagarin.

I know roughly, if not in detail, the conditions in which the formation of the space industry in our country. But I had no idea how it took place in America. How awesomely annoying it is the lag from Russia in this strategically important for America's direction. How interested were all, relevant to the problem, in a speedy realization of their plans. How many difficulties stood in the way of the correct calculation of the trajectory of the output of the first manned rocket into orbit, its gradual decline and change of orbit for a successful landing at a given point.

Just think in this phrase —

All calculations at that time were done on the simple calculators. Its conducted a huge number of people.

It was a time, when bulky computers only entered to the service of mathematicians and scientists, versed in geometry and trigonometry. To work on such impressive units might units. Their efficiency was at times less, than today's simplest devices. The data about the location of the orbit, and the landing point were changing almost every second. About how it was, how many difficulties had to be overcome to employees of NASA and tells the film.

But NOT only about that. I was SHOCKED, CRUSHED, JUST KNOCKED OUT of the SADDLE to learn in what conditions LIVED AND WORKED AFRICAN-American women AT NASA in the space program "Mercury", to carry out the first manned orbital launch in 1962 .

In the film, with terrifying details shown America that time segregation and discrimination against women based on sex. Places for whites and non-whites in buses, restaurants. Offices and entire departments for "coloured".

Denial in examinations and holding certain engineering positions only by the COLOR of their SKIN for me was just incredible REVELATION. I'm know, it would seem, the history of the United States. And still these concepts for me anyway was more for something distant and probably non-existent, far-fetched. And that's, how it turns out, was VERY CLOSE TO our HISTORICAL period — in total some 60 YEARS AGO.

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Immerse yourself in complex relationships, and the STRUGGLE FOR a BETTER FUTURE women African-American women.

The film is based on real facts. He touches and TEACHES US to BE TOLERANT. LOVE LIFE. FIGHT FOR IT.

I'm afraid to imagine, what it would be, if in order to overcome the lag in space, America would not have gone to the measures, described in the film. History, as they say, does not tolerate the subjunctive mood. But all the same. What would happen to the WORLD IN THIS CASE??

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