Weekly Selfie contest update post and a reminder of Bahbahra's contest

My Weekly Selfie contest update post and a reminder of Bahbahra's contest


Bahbahra decided to pop on and take the lead for tonight's post
As you know from previous posts its become a bit of a habit for us to do a weekly post with a few of the escapades Bahbahra and JJ have got up to this week in regard to the Selfie Contest Hosted by @papa-pepper.

Its such a fun contest, the creative entries by many of the people are always such fun to see and I think everyone is so focused to meet each days challenge this contest would well keep running for weeks, but when it is done even if like me your not really into taking selfies, watch out for the next one and join in.

So far there have been some interesting, fun and somewhat challenging Selfies such as

This was for a Water Challenge you had to be seen to have water hitting you, well this is the image that was used for the contest but you are not allowed to edit the entries but for this post I took the Liberty to ask JJ to edit the photo, I am sure you all have no wish to see him in the shower, so have done an edit to make him a little cartoon style while I am still in clear view.

Now me (Bahbahra) being the Diva and star I am, ( which you all know I am featured in two contests this week, see below for more details on my regular weekly contest and the meme contest) I cannot just let myself get splashed with any old tap water so JJ had the job of being the water recipient

Another challenge was to be clearly seen to be upside down, well that's to unlady like for me to do, so I took more of a safety Role under JJ to catch him if he fell.

Now he has been dieting, but isn't exactly thin yet and has slacked off on the diet for the last week or so, I didn't want to make a big deal out of it to him but I did bring my good friends Bat Man and Woman to help.

Luckily we didn't need to help him, but look at how red he got, I think it was a close call that he didn't come tumbling down on us
I played a joke on JJ for this challenge which was a piggy nose Selfie and said that a Diva cannot do that, so let him think he was doing it himself but as I you can see I snuck into the shot but no pig nose for me, I am a sheep of distinction after all.
But is it just me I understand the finger on the nose for the piggy effect by why does he have one finger on his mouth, dang he is strange at times

And the last one I will share with you today was so funny JJ and his wife Lulu were almost in Hysterics at times doing this
The challenge was to be blowing some sort of Powder, again something that to me does not seem dignified to do so I was just watching from the side, but JJ seems to have no qualms looking a fool for these challenges and tried numerous times to get a good selfie with Powdered Sugar.
I will give him persistence, he tried outside with now luck but had to come in when it started raining

I think it took at least 9 or 10 goes to finally get the shot above, can you imagines how much and how far Confectioners sugar goes when blowing all over a kitchen.

I am glad to report I only got a slight dusting myself, but it took them a good half hour to clean the kitchen after they were done.

Now to the important news, do not let time slip by and forget Bahbahra’s Buddy Contest (week 3) is open and entries must be in by Wednesday for a chance to win some of the 5 SBD in Prizes

And this weeks Challenge is…

***For this week Bahbahra and I have noted a bit of a theme in looking at the posts from last week, Namely Drink


Which you would have guess already as originally the photo above of Bahbahra and friends drinking would have given it away, but she pointed out to me I should use a more generic shot of her at the top of this post to keep people in suspense as to the topic for this week till now

Now although this photo may make it look like she is a bit of a party animal, she is only a rare and social drinker for the most part, sticking mainly to drinking water, however in my pre diet days I did lead her astray


from time to time show would have a soda, and when we were in Uganda and visited Jinja

Both Bahbahra and I enjoyed a Nile Beer at the Source of the Nile.

Now I know there are a few places who lay claim to being the Source of the Nile so I will clarify to say at one of the Possible or claimed source of the Nile locations.

So for this week include a photo, drawing and or story related to a drink or drinking whether alcoholic or not.

and if your wondering Bahbahra was fine the next morning as she only posed with the Beer and Soda in these photos and didn't touch a drop of any of them, but I cannot say the same for myself.

Also worth noting I have decided picking just one winner is very hard and since this is still fairly new for now I have decided from this week to change the prizes from one winner of 5 SBD to the following

One Winner 3 SBD
Honorable Mentions: 1 SBD

Please remember this contest is all about having fun, so it’s not about a fancy photo or a long flowing price of prize winning prose, although you're more than welcome to submit those as well, equally welcome are quick snaps or even a sketch of your toy (even if it is imaginary) and a few words or sentences related to the weekly challenge

OK, here is how this contest will work:

  1. Each week I will post a Photo of Bahbahra and a theme for your picture and story - this week being Drink

  2. You must submit your post by the upcoming Wednesday (before the end of the day), which includes a photo of your toy (appropriate to the challenge) and includes a short story from your small toy/animal responding to Bahbahra’s story.

  3. To be eligible to win the 5 SBD in prizes, you must meet the following criteria:
    Be following me
    Upvote and Resteem this post
    Submitted a post with relevant photo and story line
    **Use the tag #bahbahrabuddycontest for your post
    Note: please be careful with the spelling of Bahbahra so we do not miss seeing any posts :)

  4. If this contest gets popular and grows, I will increase the prize and perhaps expand to a 2nd and 3rd prize, so please do Resteem so more can see and enter.

  5. One week later, I will do the next post naming the winner(s) and adding a new storyline for the next week's contest along the same lines.

Why am I doing this?

I appreciate the amazing support I have received from this community since I joined here just over 3 months ago and have been thinking for a while now that I wanted to start a challenge. I was wondering what sort of challenge or contest I could start with and after chatting with good friends and I came up with this idea.

So Week three of this contest is now running and last day for Entries is Wednesday and I look forward to your entries

Good luck, and I am looking forward to seeing all the entries.

Some other contests you may be interested in run by friends are

@topkpop hosts the Art Contest
The current theme is Passion

Another which I help judge is run by @killerpix and is the weekly photo contest
This weeks new theme is Autumn

Another cool contest is Monomad Contest Hosted by @brumest. With this week’s theme being Reflections

And one final Contest to mention for this week

meme challenge.jpg

Bahbahra and myself have been asked by @fibra59 to assist with both a photo and judging his Meme contest this week, the photo for the meme this week is the one above and here is a link to theContest Post

All photos on this blog are taken by myself, mostly with a Sony Mirrorless camera

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