Whalepower Blog | Community News 2 December 2017

Whalepower Blog | Community News

Welcome to #whalepower Tag and @whalepower Account Page

Whalepower is Community Project,
Generally, Anyone can use the #whalepower Tag but be sure to Read the Guideline First before Usage. Click Here for #whalepower Tag Guideline

Where can you find this @whalepower Account?
When #whalepower Tag Apply, We will curate you posts.

Are #whalepower Tag Usage Free?
Yes, We give you Free Manual Curation.

Are there any Paid service within #whalepower?
Yes, there is a service call The Reefs, it runs for 6 days/week

What is New at #whalepower Tag?

Welcome to The Reef , this is a Pre-Paid Services.
We have two options here ( *Our Current Suggesting Price ) :~

  • Standard Pre-Paid Services $1.00 SBD / 6 days , with un-limited posting.
  • Premium Pre-Paid Services $2.00 SBD / 6 days , with un-limited posting.

Why do you have to pay for The Reefs Service?

  • It cover for the wages for the Curators for their Manual work. "This will cover for our time use to curate your posts."
  • Helps the Curators to grow.

Should you use this services please send your $1.00 sbd or $2.00 sbd to @bullionstackers , transfer into @bullionstackers account.

This will run for 6 days/week , once pre-paid and use the week code with your Title.

  • Original contents rule still apply.
  • Whalepower Tag still applies for this facilities.
  • #whalepower Guidelines still apply.
  • Our Manual Reading still stand.
  • No images with little Text content post, We don't encourage it.

The next The Reefs Pre-Paid Service will start 4/5 December 2017 be sure to look out at @bullionstackers page.
Be sure to participate at the beginning.

written by @bullionstackers for #whalepower Community Project.

@whalepower Account Sponsors

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