Whaleshares short story contest: My participation and donation

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WhaleShares Short Story Contest Series | Week #5

When I was 9 I was left home with my brothers and sisters, the youngest of which was about 1 yr old, and still in diapers.

It was my responsibility as an older brother to take care of him. It wasn't long before he pissed all the way through his diaper, and instead of doing the responsible thing- changing and putting a new diaper on- I took that soggy thing, chucked it and let him run wild.

When my moms boyfriend got home, he saw a puddle and started yelling "who the fuck pissed all over the goddamn floor?"

This time, as the older brother, I didn't hesitate to protect him. He shouldn't get hurt for something that was my fault, so I quickly blamed it on the cat.

You know how you rub a cat or dogs nose in the mess they made, to teach it a lesson not to do it again?

He did that. And then drop kicked the thing. His steel toe boot splattered it's guts and blood across the room- all over us.

I nodded to him- and walked my bro to the bathroom to clean up.

When I joined the rest of my family at the campfire (to dispose of the remains) I thought about telling the truth.

I never did.

This short story has been shared in WhaleShares Short Story Contest Series | Week #5 by @walterz

I am not competing, but wanted to participate.

I am also making a donation to double the whaleshare rewards for this week!

Head over there to make your submissions, place your votes and win some whaleshares!
Theme is "Power Abused". 200 word limit.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask in comments or general chat.
If you don't know what whaleshares are, now is the perfect time to find out!

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As Always,

Thanks for stopping by
Good Luck and Enjoy!

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