Heroes needed? And there is a treasure! Maybe finally the one that I am looking for? Where do I sign-up?

I am Tooq and I was lucky to be an hero. Now people call me many names. Wizard, alchemist, doctor. . . let me tell you how it all happened.

It started when I was in the world full of fairy tales. There was a kingdom that was magical. However I didn’t know that when I came here. I was looking for a treasure named EOS. People were saying it is just a myth and the treasure doesn't exist. I didn’t trust them. Only information I had about EOS was a picture of a lake. It could be everywhere, but I didn’t stop and continued to look for it.

One day, I was very, very hungry. I was walking almost two whole days! It was very warm night. I found a lake, but it was not looking as the one I had on the picture. “Another misfortune”, I said. However the lake looked very clean. I tried to catch a fish with my fishing rod and waited. I was waiting for a fish for more than 4 hours, but still nothing.

Then, near me, something jumped out of the water. It was blue, glowing.

It was a fish! Very small and weird looking one I must say. The fish was not moving. I pulled my fishing rod out of the water. There was no bait on it. „So the fish ate the bait, then jumped out of the water and is glowing now, interesting! Is it for eating though? I am starving, I have to risk it!"

I took the fish to my hands. It was still not moving. I put it in my mouth and took a bite. Luckily, nothing bad happened. The fish was actually pretty tasty. After a few seconds the glowing fish was eaten.

Hunger is gone. Legs are not hurting. My eyes are sharp and I am not tired anymore. I poured some of the water to my bottles and went on in my journey.

Something was different. After that incident with the fish I had never feeling of lack. Lack of sleep, dizziness, hunger, they are all gone. I hadn’t eaten or have a need for sleep by that time. Maybe other people can drink it and have those powers too. Maybe the map didn't show where the EOS is, but was only a clue. This was probably the first part of some bigger journey… journey to find EOS.

Join the contest too: @stargarden/earn-whaleshares-for-your-art-deep-style-hero-quest-for-eos-contest

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