90 days on Steemit!! Best Highlight since then!!

This marks the 90th day of joining steemit for me. Yey! A lot of things have happened in those 90 days, I've met a lot of people and have been part of a great growing community!


Best Highlight of Joining Steemit!


Back then being new to Steemit I was finding ways to be able to boost my posts to get a bigger payout because let's be honest, we do this to get some money right?! So as I was searching for ways to boost my posts I stumbled upon the Whaleshares Discord and there I was introduced to what Whaleshares were. They had lots of cool stuff contests, cool people and also a krazy mod lady(@krazykrista)! I mean come on! Hahaha Then I started chatting/talking to some of the members and they were really helpful about Whaleshares and Steemit in general which was really great for newbies like me back then. They also had these "Live post promotion" hosted by @freedomexists sort of like a radioshow where you could share your post via voice chat then people would comment and upvote your post! It's a great way to get your stuff out there.

It wasn't always a smooth ride on Whaleshares as they had their fair share of problems like when the SP delegated was taken back for just reasons, which then made Whaleshares cost less than what they usually were. You'd think that people would start leaving the community or the boss dude would just forget about the project. BUT YOU'RE WRONG! The boss dude a.k.a @officialfuzzy actually helped those who had Whaleshares by trading them in for Beyondbits. Now, he wasn't obliged to do this yet he did! Because he cares for the community and wants to help people grow. The members also didn't leave.Together, they started finding ways to actually solve the issue which meant that they've built a strong enough community not just for the money. Which is rare to find on Steemit.

For the record this is not a sponsored post by Whaleshares or @officialfuzzy. I'm just so happy to be part of a great community, a real community who wants to help each other grow!

Come say hi on Discord: https://discord.gg/qDUmmPC

Thanks for reading and see you guys in the next one!


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