Presenting the Whaleshares Court (Contest Entry Drawing with 15 Progress Pictures)

If it pleases the Royal Court, I hereby present you with my humble portrait drawing of the Whaleshares Royal Family.

A few days ago I came across a drawing contest for Whaleshares, the keepers and distributors of the coveted Whaleshare upvote tokens. I had already taken on a few drawing and photography contests by @tonyr, @nspart, and @daveks, as well as @merej99's massive community building challenge (The Beast), so I figured... I'm already in contest mode, why not?

I read through the contest rules and the background information on each member of The Court. That night, July 11, I did a quick sketch on paper to kinda wrap my head around the scope of this next challenge. I knew I wanted to add subtle humor into it and didn't want to forget my ideas. The next day I decided I would go for it and announced my intent over on @stargarden's post for the contest.

It took me 2 nights to complete the drawing and coloring. Here is my entry... Enjoy!


The Whaleshares Royal Court members in my drawing:

His Royal Highness, Walrus the Wizard King

Patelincho the Red Queen

The God Emperor Fuzzy

The High Royal Knight Sir Akrid

Baron Stargarden the Tripping

Nico, Royal Guard of NSFW

My Work in Progress Pictures:

My initial concept sketch from July 11th.

Drawing in the background setting.

I know this step seems a bit odd, drawing in a throne room, most of which will not be seen in the final image and I will have to erase it all as I go. This is something I need to do for me, other artists may not, but I have trouble getting the scale and proportions of people if I don't have relative items nearby. So at each step, with each new character added, I would erase the background areas to make a clean space to draw them in.

Yep, there's my trusty Publix pencil. Cranking though many drawing contests together. The eraser is wearing down though, so the Halloween pencil will fill in for that.

Patelincho the Red Queen

His Royal Highness, Walrus the Wizard King

The High Royal Knight Sir Akrid

The God Emperor Fuzzy and the Royal Guard of NSFW

Baron Stargarden the Tripping

Night 2 - Time to start coloring... His Royal Highness first, of course.

His Royal Highness, Walrus the Wizard King looking sharp in his Royal Robe.

Patelincho the Red Queen and The God Emperor Fuzzy dropping his stash.

Nico, Royal Guard of NSFW throwing down some attitude.

Baron Stargarden the Tripping, Party Jester playing it cool.

Adding in the background shading and details.

I left the coloring of The High Royal Knight Sir Akrid for last because I wasn't sure how dark I wanted to make his armor. I knew I wanted to base that on how the background coloring and shading came together.

Sir Akrid showing respect... Sign It, Tag It, Post It!

As with all of my drawing, the last step is to go back add in additional shadows, darken the colors, and add back in any details that got lost from the color pencils.

The God Emperor Fuzzy is often portrayed across Steemit as hoarding his coins, building and protecting the Whaleshares stash in order to share the wealth with others at a later time. I wanted to play on that idea by having the bag holding his coins rip open without him noticing. Both Walrus the Wizard King and the Royal Guard of NSFW noticed this and are looking over in his direction. Nico playing it cool, the Wizard King is not amused.

Patelincho the Red Queen is staring directly at you, it's a warning, what she says - goes. Oh, and be warned... touch the Walrus and she'll KILL YOU!

The sign over the corridor to the NSFW area is intentionally only showing SFW. This is a supportive nod to Nico @nspart for his part in moderating the discord channel and the idea that tastefully done artistic nude photography or drawings of the human body should not be considered offensive or censored. The statues of Venus de Milo or David are not covered in black tape.

Let me know what you think, please leave your comments below.

As always, please upvote this post and follow me if you like my work and want to see more.

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Thanks for reading!

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