The best investment and great information hidden about Gold, but revealed be Mene("Meh-ney").

Hello guys, it indeed a great day today, but funny enough, I won't be posting any drawings for today, because I had spent all my day making research on Gold, why Gold? I actually wanted to get into @goldmatters contest about Gold, firstly, I thought it was for the money, but I most confess that I had really gained a lot of knowledge today on Gold. I never knew Gold is this precious, well you will get to know more about what am talking about by the time you finish reading this post.

What do you think Gold is?

Well, I personally use to think Gold is just an ornament, though an expensive one, but I never knew Gold like have known it today before. I got to understand today, that for about some thousands of years, Gold has remained the best form of investment, it's a precious metals that its value never fades aways, Gold happens to be the kind of source of wealth that all men could think of, and mind you....

if it's not real, it's not Gold. If it doesn't gilt, it's not Gold.

What's Mene("Meh-ney") Gold?


Mene("Meh-ney") is an organization that design Gold wares and not just any Gold, but a 24karat Gold. The name of the organization "MENE" was derived from an ancient Aramaic word with a mysterious meaning that has to do with the relationships between Gold and other natural resources that can be kept as assets.

What a Mene("Meh-ney") Gold looks like.


As you can see in the above picture, we have a 24k Gold designed by "MEH-NEY", The organization has its own unique logo which you can find on any of their designed goldwares. The organization had vowed to bring back to life the real importance and value of pure Gold (Au) and Platinum(Pt). They had promised and already making goldwares that are 100 percent pure Gold, though, gold is a very indestructible element, whereby it can be easily manipulated and some other less value gemstone can be added to it to make it loss the best value it has when it's pure gold, but "MEH-NEY" had promised to keep their golds hypoallergenic and antimicrobial.

Natural value and price value of "Meh-ney" gold.


Just like we have it in the above picture, "MENE" is bound to used only pure gold of 24k to make their goldwares in all sorts of designs, if not 24k, it's not "MENE". The organization makes sure their gold products are of good, great and natural quality in order not to have the jewelry tarnish over time due to oxidization.

Comparing "Meh-ney" gold ring to other rings could be a very dangerous one, because, if "Meh-ney" is to wrought a gold ring worth $1,000, like you see in the picture above, the initial cost of gold in the ring would be $800 or more, not like in other cases, whereby the initial gold cost would be $200 and the gold value could tarnish over time.

Meh-ney's gold source.


I never knew until today that gold happens to be a very hard precious metals to find, though, I am talking about real gold here, as you can see in the picture above that for every single gram of Gold(Au) on the planet Earth, we have also a single gram of Platinum(Pt), 5,000 grams of sapphire, 60grams of Silver and 400,000 grams of Diamonds. For this special reason, it has been a very difficult task to descover a pure gold and legitimate miners, but the organization "Meh-ney" secure a legitimate gold mining sector somewhere in Nevada, USA and also in Ontario, Canada.

Messages and promises for "Meh-ney".


The above image States the aim and intentions of MENE gold.

Meet some brains behind "MENE".


In the picture above, we have there Diana. W. Picasso and Sonjoo Moon, they both happened to be friends and the artist behind the "MENE" gold designs and at the same time Diana. W. Picasso also happens to be the Co-founder of "MENE" gold.

The historical strength of Gold and why you should purchase and purchase from "MENE".


The above picture is an Egyptian gold artifact wrought over 3,000 years ago, looking so fresh like from the very first day it was made even when the goldsmith is no more.

The above pictures are some of the gold artifacts that has been for years with their great and natural value intact simply because they happened to be pure gold. The bitter truth I had learned from "MENE" today was that, the value of a pure gold never depreciate but the less value gold does, and this is one of the essential reasons why you should purchase your gold from "MENE" because they mine and design pure gold only.

Invest in gold now.

Buy gold, but pure gold.

Buy "MENE"!

You can also make your research on "MENE" gold and enter for the contest here.

Thanks for stopping by.

Follow @tezzmax.

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