What in the World's Goldmoney!

Time to enter this #whatintheworldsgoldmoney contest, and if you read my blog you may have noticed I can get long winded and overdo the introduction so here goes. I’m not currently a goldmoney client, but will likely be one soon. I did a lot of research for this post since I didn’t feel comfortable making a post singing the praises of a company I’ve never dealt with. I still want to say please don’t take this as testimonial or investment advice; I’d suggest doing your own research.

From what I read goldmoney sounds like the ideal stacker's bank! It’s the perfect bank we’ve all envisions in our minds, and the perfect system when you can freely trade with silver and gold. You holdings and investments in the bank are held and backed in physical metals which are stored in a secured vault. You can transfer these holdings to other clients and pay people with real precious metals! You can also use these holdings to back preloaded credit cards for payments, so you can actually make transaction with silver/gold. Even some of their fees are charged in fractional metal holdings and grams. Utopia is here! The account seems to have some really great and exciting features including exchanging your holdings from one metal type to another, and the ability to take physical possession of your holdings. Of course last but not least the functional silver and gold mastercards are totally bad-ass.


Of course as the stackers around here know it’s important to hold some of your savings and net worth in physical metals, something that has ‘real’ long term and historic value. It’s not always practical or safe to hold these physical precious metals in your own possession so that’s an important feature of goldmoney. For me I see it as a great opportunity to start buying some physical gold with goldmoney. Buying traditional fractional gold is expensive because of the premiums on these small sizes. With goldmoney you can send small amounts that are backed in gold and it will grow overtime without paying high premiums upfront for fractional sizes. Plus these damn cubes are way cooler than any damn coins or bar's I've seen.


That's it I've totally convinced myself to sign up

Of course while I'm at this post I needed to try for some bonus points and maybe win a gold money T-shirt. But you get more bonus points for wearing one. I was in a real pickle, plus I'm not all that photogenic without a really good T-Shirt body so I borrowed one of them too. Then I read something about bonus points for funny so here goes!

Phil's head.jpg

I hope the real Mrs. Goldmoney isn't offended and get's a chuckle, You can see the real photo I edited with my sick skills HERE.

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