What's In My Bag Challenge @Travelgirl 👜| @Travelgirl 的包包裡面有什麼? 👜

Hi Steemians,

@Ramengirl started the “Whats in my bag challenge” awhile back and she is back doing another one! I was nominated by @Ace108 to reveal whats in my bag but I was in Japan, so now I’m back home, I can reveal what I have in my bag in Sydney.

最近 @Ramengirl 在再度發起 “包包裡面有什麼”的活動而 @Ace108 點名想看看我的包包裡有什麼東西。因為之前我人在日本的關係,我現在才有機會給你們看我包包平常有什麼東西。

@ace108's nomination post


Btw, I don’t have a cat to reveal like @Ace108!

注意 - 我沒有 @ace108 哥那麼可愛有貓在包裡哈哈!

Here it is! It has everything I need in my bag to survive the day with the kids (excluding the nappy bag of course)

這是我包包裡面的所以東西 (不包括寶寶的包包)


My wallet and keys. I need big toys on my keys as they are easy to find in my bag if I’m carrying Baby M.

我的錢包跟鑰匙。我的鑰匙一定要連著一個很大的公仔因為抱著BB M 的時候我可以在包裡很快地找到東西


Essential items for myself. Chanel mirror and lipstick is a must. Two hand creams as they have different smells so depending which one I want to use on the day. And the red tube is a lip balm but also act as a nappy cream so I can use it on Baby M if he has any nappy rash if we are out and about.

以下是我自己必須要的東西。我的 Chanel 鏡子和口紅是一定要的。還有兩支手的護膚膏 - 有兩種味道,看看當天想用那個。還有紅色著支是唇膏也可以當成護臀霜.


Stuff for the kids. The red bottle are bubbles, Baby E’s batman watch, tic tacs for Baby E if he behaved well while he is out & some packet tissues with cartoon pics.

還有小朋友的東西。紅色這瓶是來玩泡沫的。還有BB E 的蝙蝠俠手錶,一點糖給BB E 還有兩包有可愛的公仔紙巾


Lastly, I always carry a pen. My Opal pass for catching public transport, Panadol just incase I’ve got a headache and a red pocket I got from my mum recently as it was my birthday not long ago. It sometimes act as emergency cash haha!

之後有一支筆。我的 Opal 卡來搭公共交通用的,頭痛藥還有一封紅包因為之前是我的生日。如果需要現金可以開紅包用哈哈!


There you have it Steemians!


Now my nominations. I would love to see if @wanderwithtwo & @livinguktaiwan can share what they have in their bag!

下一個我想提名 @wanderwithtwo & @livinguktaiwan 來參加這個活動。希望兩位美女不介意給我們看她們包包裡的東西。

PS - I'm greedy and want to nominate one more person and that is our pretty @Deanliu. hope you don't mind sharing what you have in your bag

PS - 我又點貪心想提名多一個人就是我們的劉美女 @Deanliu. 希望你可以參加這個啦!

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謝謝你們收看。 請你們繼續跟隨,留言和投我一票 👍. 我會分享更多遊記和其他有趣的 blog.

All photos are taken by me & co in all my blogs/stories unless quoted. 每張相片都是我們自己拍的 📷

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