Steemit's First What's in My Purse Post - Doomsday Edition!!!!!1

I am very pleased and proud to bring you Steemit's first What's in My Purse post. People on Youtube live for this. Since my normal purse is really boring (I only keep my wallet and phone in it), I decided to be a little different and show you my doomsday purse instead. This is the purse I'd take if I felt like something was going to go down that day and I wouldn't be able to go home for a few days.

Here it is. It's really cute and colorful with a cute little bow in front. I got it at Kohl's in case you are wondering. My husband got me the blingy Juicy Couture heart keychain one year for Christmas.

First, I'll show you what's in the front pocket. I don't know what use the earbuds will do me. I don't even have an mp3 player. I guess they're good to have in case I need to hop on a plane and want to watch all the movies. In the little vial is bug repellant. You're gonna want some of that if you ever get stuck out in the wilderness. Then of course, I have a water filter straw that filters out fluoride, VOCs, bacteria and everything else you don't want in your water. The black rubber thing is to attach the straw to a faucet and flush it out. I've already done that so it's good to go. And last, I have a mushroom hunting knife. It'll come in handy if I want to eat mushrooms or if I need money, I could find some wild mushrooms to sell. Those can bring in a pretty penny. The two other black things are just cases for the water filter straw and mushroom knife.

Now on to the zipper compartment. All I have in here is a digital camera, which is good for documentation, a compass and flashlight.

In the main compartment, I have my Ka-bar Dozier knife. It was only like $20 but it's very good for the price point. You never know when you'll need to cut through something or defend yourself. I also have a local map of Southern California so I can find my way around and look for good bugout locations. Next I have a nutcracker, because what good will it be when you find some nuts to eat and can't even open them? The pink rope thing is a monkey ball. It's supposed to hurt if you hit someone in the head with it but I never tried it. Then, some oil blotting papers because I'll probably get shiny out in the hot sun, and a Tide to-go pen and Shout wipes because I won't have access to a washer. The My Little Pony keychain is actually a USB stick. It has all my pictures and stuff on it. If I can never get back to my computer, I don't want to lose everything. It has the key to all my savings on it. And then, it is good to have a whistle in case you get separated from someone or need to get someone's attention.

Finally, there is another zipper compartment on back of the purse. All I have in there is some Doxycycline and another bug repellent. If you're going to be in the wildnerness away from doctors, antibiotics are very important. Even if you never need them, they make great bartering items.

Obviously there are a lot more things I need to add to survive doomsday. I need to find the cable for my camera so I can charge it. I have a solar charger that I will add. I'll also add a lighter, matches, glasses, bandaids, iodine, alcohol wipes, superglue, hand sanitizer, a space blanket, salt packets and sugar. Maybe some rope and a small saw. If you have any more ideas about what I should add, tell me in the comments below.

#whatsinmypurse #doomsday #armageddon #preparedness #prepping #girlpower #life #steemit

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