Voting Algorithm Updated to Favor those High Delegations!

Update: Important Update of Delegation Service!


代理1万给我的话, 你能拿到 10%+5%(见证人代理)+2%+3%(浮动)+3%(浮动) 大概25%,按80% VP来算, 大概就是 110万0.80.25=22万。 也就是22倍
If you delegate 10K SP, you will get 10% + 5% (proxy vote) + 2% + 6%(max), which is at least 220K SP assuming 80% voting weight of 1.1million SP.

  • Delegate 1000 to justyy: Link
  • Delegate 5000 to justyy: Link
  • Delegate 10000 to justyy: Link

Yesterday, i published this algorithm:

I realized it is not so good for delegations more than 1K SP and more may become angry at me and it seems they all undelegate and unapprove me... :(

Now my VP is restored.. I can give more rewards to those who believe/support me:


here is the new algorithms for those who delegate more than 5000 SP and either vote or proxy me:

let score = sp * 0.001;
if (sp >= 1000) {
score += bonus;

// NEW here
if (bonus > 0) && (delegateAtLeast1000) { // voting witness or proxy and delegate at least 1000 SP
  // more text, more weight
  if (bodyLen > 0) {
      score += Math.min(3, bodyLen / 1000);
  // if you have 100 SP, and you delegate 100 SP, you will get 3% more
  if (userSelfSp > 0) {
      score += 3 * sp / userSelfSp; 
  // if you delegate more than 5000, you have unlocked extra addition rewards
  // for example, delegate 6000, you will have addition 0.4%
  // delegate 7000, you will have additonal 0.8% 
  // and so on... 
  if (sp >= 5000) {
      score += (sp - 5000) / 2500;

So to sum up the changes:

If you delegate less than 1000 SP:

you will still get SP*0.001 % fixed weight

If you delegate more than 1000 SP but less than 5000 SP:

you will still get SP*0.001% plus bonus (5% if you proxy me or 1% if you vote me proxy)
if vote or proxy:

  1. post per 1000 words you get 1% maximum 3%
  2. if you delegate 100% to me, you will get 3% more (linear proprotion)

if you delegate more than 5000 SP:

you will get SP*0.001% plus bonus (5% if you proxy me or 1% if you vote me proxy)
and if you proxy/vote me, you will be given the following exclusive rewards:

  1. and the extra 2500 SP, you will get additional 1% for example, if you delegate 6000 SP you will have (6000-5000)/2500 = 0.4% more
    if vote or proxy:
  2. post per 1000 words you get 1% maximum 3%
  3. if you delegate 100% to me, you will get 3% more (linear proprotion)

# This is to support the steemians and new comers! don't spam it!

The terms and conditions are subject to change

How to enroll?

  1. Delegate SP:
  2. Vote @justyy as Witness:
  3. Set @justyy as Proxy:
    Alternatively, you can vote witness or set proxy here:

Follow me for topics of Algorithms, Blockchain and Cloud.
I am @justyy - a Steem Witness

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