WhereIn - A new month begin! 新的一個月開始了

Hello everyone. Welcome back to another episode of our weekly curation report from @wherein. Before we go forward, first we would like to make an apology to everyone in the community and to the officials in Steemit Inc that we are 3 days late. We have no excuse, but only 2 reasons for the delay because this June is very crucial for us to make a new breakthrough. 2 and half things we will share with you. So, hear us out:

@wherein-art inter-community project with @art-venture and @xpilar

Firstly, we're really glad to have this opportunity to work very closely with some of the very reputable person. Our person in charge of the program @m18207319777 (also known as PingJian among the Chinese community) had came up with an idea of art contest. We have managed to secure a total amount of 500 liquid steems(still growing!) as prize give away for the 1 month project. Meanwhile, we will be collaborating in terms of curation work together with @art-venture with @stef1. We will be curating artwork with a proxy account via @wherein-art for #wherein-art and #worldofxpilar tag, and @steemcurator03 community account will only be use to upvote those genuine work that is not cross posted on the other blockchain social blogging platform and are authored with #wherein app. Further detail of the contest announcement can be found at the link below:




Feel free to join the fun and specially thanks to our main sponsors @m18207319997 @dailyke20 @honoru @xpilar @stef1 @art-venture @wherein @cnstm and ofcourse the officials from Steemit Inc on their support for our community curation project.

Those were the days the games we played

It was an intense end of May, where we planned for a super engagement league by giving pooling prize of up to 210steems in total, a writing contest for retro games. There's no specified requirement, as long as the article is written genuinely, be it game review or some of the best childhood memory, we allowed our users to use their creativity to make their post attractive. During the last 4 days of May, we managed to rope in 25 piece of submission from 24 users. Excluding the contest host himself, there's up to 23 users to split 150 steems. Other than that, there's another 60 steems given to individual whom make good/creative/motivation comment to our participants. This literally stir up a chaos of comment spam within the community. It may seems spam, but this is what makes up the community. The fun of it, the crazy idea, different opinion from different point of view. We enjoyed the amount of engagement. 6 of the unique comment are rewarded with 10steems each, some of them are not even our participant. Detail of the contest as below:




Don't you just love it when you see people read your post, comment on your post with some sense instead of generic reply?

http://cocozl.cn is now sync with #steem #blockchain

We're finalizing our Miniprogram and Websites landing page , It's currently on it's final testing stage and we're hoping to roll it out soonest possible. Meanwhile, our IOS version of #wherein APP should be available once we get the greenlight to launch it from official Apple. This is as far we have for you, so it's only half a good news. Stay tune for more coming few days.


Overall, we think this is a rather challenging time for both Steemit Inc and ourselves in #wherein. We're struggling to handle different situations, managing resources, and the most previous resources are time we spent. Everyone of us has only 24 hours a day. We have only 10 full upvotes a day. We'll either break it down to limit the reward so we can spread to more people? Or we can break them into smaller part and reward those who are prominent? But who are we to decide who's work worth how much? We will come back again for a community curation statistics. Stay tune.

大家好。欢迎大家阅读我们@wherein的每周策展报告。首先,我们要向社区中的每个人以及Steemit Inc的官方致歉,因为我们晚了3天。我们不是要找借口,不过最近的突破和节目必须拖延至节目完美结束和新的开始了,我们才有数据给大家分享。这个六月,我们有两件半喜事要给大家宣布。

wherein-art 合伙 @art-venture @xpilar 搞绘画大赛

首先,我们非常高兴有这么一次机会跟其他社区合作搞活动。我们的负责人@m18207319997(大家中文区认识他的都知道他是平建兄)提出了一个艺术绘画比赛项目。到目前为止,我们已经筹备了最少500steem奖金(还在陆续增加)作为这一整个月的活动赠品。同时,我们也会跟 @art-venture @stef1合作进行策展工作。我们微印这一方将会用@wherein-art,通过 #wherein-art #worldofxpliar 进行点赞/审查。凡是通过维印发帖的参赛者的作品,只要经过核对后,符合参赛资格并且没有双链同步的作品将会被 @steemcurator03 社区策展账号点赞。以下是比赛公文。

欢迎加入我们的艺术绘画大赛,特此感谢我们的主要赞助商@m18207319997 @dailyke20 @honoru @xpilar @stef1 @art-venture @wherein @cnstm,当然还有Steemit Inc对我们社区策划项目的支持。


在5月杪的关键时刻,我们临时决定了为这个月再做一个最后冲刺。我们筹集了一共210steem的奖金,然后开始了一场难能可贵的超级写作大赛。这一场比赛是部分先后或比分的大赛,只是一场写作活动。我们看到的是,大家都有同年,我们想借着这几天时间让大家一同回顾一下自己的童年,自己的游戏。我们并没有设定特别的条规,只要是大家能够表达,甚至介绍他们记得的同年和游戏给我们互相了解就够了,务必要写实。在这短短的4天时间里面,我们成功的发出了25篇作品。 24为作家中,有23得奖,得以平分150steem.其中一个就是主办当局,自动取消资格。然后我们选了6个最好,最有创意,最有鼓励性的留言回复,将60个steem让这6个人分了。他们当中也有人是没有参与这一次的写作比赛的,不过我们从这里看到更可贵的是,人与人之间的交流,是多么的重要。颁奖礼详情如下:





http://cocozl.cn现在与#steem #blockchain同步



总体而言,这一段非常时期对于 #wherein 和 Steemit Inc都是一个充满挑战的时期。我们正在努力处理不同的情况和管理资源,别忘记,财力,人力还好说,时间才是最重要的资源。我们每个人一天只有24小时。每天只有10个完整的点赞额。我们倒是可以将点赞份额弄小来散播给更多人,问题是多少人?又或者,直接将最大的点赞用来奖励杰出的人才?那谁才是人才?谁来决定这些作品的价值呢?下一会我们将再次回来进行社区策展计划。敬请期待。



@smt-wherein 是我们运行的见证人,欢迎对我们进行投票

投票链接:https://steemconnect.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=smt-wherein&approve=1 (国内)

https://steemconnect.cocozl.cn/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=smt-wherein&approve=1 (海外)

见证人帖:《WhereIN Witness is Live - We fight for the future of SMT

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