A Bird Shooting With Photos

My daughter was moving last week and asked for help from my husband and myself. We went down to the house she was living at and I soon discovered that as much as I wanted to help, I just wasn’t, physically, ready to do that as I recently had some surgery. She wasn’t really in the best of moods (nothing new) and instead of arguing with her, I just decided to sit out in the truck. Now don’t worry because although it was very cold out, the sun was shining on the truck and it was actually quite warm and comfortable. I’m sure you were all worried so I thought you should know…lol!

It was so cold that day that the critters could walk across this pond!

So, I’m sitting in the truck when I notice a bunch of starling birds on the roof of the house. I guess they were up there basking in the sun. Something just told me to get the camera out and take some photos. I zoomed in and took this photo featuring 3 particular starling birds on the end of the roof …


I took the camera off zoom and noticed this …

Wait for it …

Then WTH …

And then only 1 bird remained

My take away on this bizarre spectacle that I had just witnessed is this … evidently, God hates starlings too!!


*Disclaimer: No birds were actually harmed in this spoof and God doesn’t really hate stinking starlings (I think)!!

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