My Spy With Me Entry: Bank Robbery ~ Breaking News!

Breaking News! A Bank Robbery Was Just Reported And Police Are Looking For The Suspect or Suspects Involved!

The police have few leads as several eyewitnesses gave contradicting descriptions of the perpetrator! You see, the police called me in because they heard of my excellent sleuthing abilities from several steemit users. That and due to several cutbacks they were short handed!

It could be anyone as everyone is suspect! Especially, that girl who is looking at me and smiling! I’m not one to be fooled by a smiley face! = )

Or this lady who has quite the spring in her step and possibly more than just cat food in the bag!

Why is this chick digging a hole and what’s in those heavy- duty bags? Could she be burying the loot? Maybe, she thinks she be a pirate!

I spied this lady putting something in the car seat of her vehicle but I never did see a child…geez..hope she didn’t leave the kid “home alone”!

Tell me this guy doesn’t stand out and where better to wait it out till things die down and he may now have plenty of money to afford that one ticket and maybe a hotdog and a beer…maybe!

A couple of witnesses reported that the person seemed to be hyped up, like on Mountain Dew so I will definitely have to check out the driver of the Mountain Dew Baja Bug, if I can catch up to him!

Is this guy holding a new camera? Hmmm, I think I’d keep an eye on that one although he doesn’t even seem smart enough to figure out how the camera works!

Quick somebody STOP THAT GUY…

One lady was brought in for questioning but after hours of questioning and maintaining her innocence, she was released. Lucky for her, her alibi checked out but afterwards she had to check herself into therapy.

Who are these people and WHAT is that hag.. I mean .. in that bag?!

Why is the Train Director looking at me like that and why. ..why did he stop the train?!

Oh No! It appears I’ve been found out! Yes, I am the one and only perpetrator! After all, going out for Corona’s too often can really add up!

Contest initiated by @whysoserious

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