Any fool can be a singer today

You don't need do have any talent or beautiful voice to be a famous singer these days.

Only thing you really need is sexy look. In 21st century vocal cords moved to boobs. And if you don't look sexy, they have pretty good team of surgeons to correct that.


If you have really creepy voice, it can be completely cleaned and improved in the studio after recording with many of tools and effects as autotune, different kinds of equalizers, compressors, vocal warmers, delays, reverb effects... You won't recognize your own voice after they're done!

And you can apply to one of these talent shows where you can become celebrity overnight without any hard work.

And you have these shows on any TV channel you find. Millions of people stare at the screen accepting whatever it suggests and losing notion of what is good.

Today you don't need a band or an orchestra, you have one guy of the synth who will play the whole instrumental with MIDI sounds. And today's people consider that a quality sound. Concerts and live performances aren't problems, everybody sings with playback today.

So, if you have an ugly voice, suspicious appearance and you are not talented at all, if you have a lot of money, you can transform yourself to a real star! And lyrics? You can find really simple minded but catchy lyrics and melodies for 0.99$ on the internet.

Now, let's remember the days when you had to have a talent and had to work hard, practice and dream.


Those days you had to have a quality, the sound, the style... and you had to find awesome lyrics, best players of live instruments, pay for studio, catch every opportunity to show your knowledge and talents... And those lyrics were written with heart, not as a plan for making money...

Now let's think how music will look in 22nd century...

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