Queen of scandals

She is definitely a sort of queen here, no matter what people will say or think about it.

Everything she does is considered as a scandal or affair. And she had a lot of it! At the moment, she is number one singing star in Croatia and nobody listens her songs.

The way she looks is much more interesting.


Severina Vučković was born in 1972 and her singing career started in 1991. She started with easy, childish songs but very soon turned to a sex bomb with original style. She still sings catchy simple - minded verses but nobody cares. The best producers from whole Balkans peninsula work with her. They managed to create for her that folk/pop style with a lot of brasses and that drives her fans crazy.

Women are jealous, men are obsessed with her.

So you can hear a lot of gossips about her, while she is on the covers of every magazine here. But nobody can deny that she is the sexiest Croatian lady. In one period, reporters wrote about every step she took ore move she made.

This kind of star cannot pass without a sex tape scandal in 2004. Yes, there is a sex tape and everybody of us have seen it! And you can see it to, just write Severina on any porn website (I will not give you a link ;))!

She drove publicity crazy about will she get married or not. At the end she married for a guy who is a lot younger than her. And she has a son with a Serbian businessman.

She still looks great, she still does what she always did... and publicity will always be hungry of her. I had to write about her because she is definitely one of the most influential ladies in Balkans peninsula.


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