Wiki host integrated with cryptocurrency


I'm still a newbie in the cryptocurrency world but, at least, what I've learned here in Steemit is that the money and value will be generated from the content you create and engaged interactions beyond. Mixing blogs and social network, adding the Steem Dollar gain appeal and eventually the global acceptance of it, dreaming to follow the success Bitcoin acquired first.

I've read in this @stellabelle post that one of most remarkable characteristic of the cryptocurrency is the community gathered around. Atract and join people that can create original and actrative content would be a difficult task for Steemit. Otherwise, the features offered here is still in low standards, comparing with Medium, for example.

I thought if Steemit wants to pay content creators and his readers, one easier option could be launching a wiki platform integrated with the cryptocurrency, where any member would create and edit pages as in Wikipedia (the most famous wiki example), and earn Steem Power or Steem Dollars. I may be wrong but I think it's easier and faster to collaborate in an open encyclopedic content than blogging or updating a social network's profile. Do you agree? I also searched if some other cryptocurrency like this already exists but I didn't find any.

Otherwise, the Steemit features today allow people to create encyclopedic like texts and entries, organizing them using tags and topics and using the comments to accept further editions and updates. So, I dropped here this idea, if the cryptocurrency revolution is only beggining who knows if wiki collaboration would become a new way to mining.

The images on the top of this post are collected from search results for the words "wabi-sabi", a japanese expression that inspired the inventor of first wiki and means "beauty of the impermanent and imperfect things".

This post was originally published in portuguese in Hospedagem wiki com criptomoeda.

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