This is not a rescue by any means i think.

Today while at a local flea market in Florida, we stopped in at a shop that sells pets. The owner claimed this beautiful red Iguana was a rescue and he said clearly NOT FOR SALE! I then asked why his tail was cut and why he is in here on display and not in a environment more suited for his size and needs! The owner just walked away to talk to other shoppers. It breaks my heart to see. Now i understand that people get them as pets but, breeders should be more smart to educatethe buyers so that this doesnt happen. Sadly most breeders are just in it for the money 20180429_133935.jpg

I then started looking at other animals in the store. This beautiful male vailed C
Chameleon was a " rescue" so they say as well. He was blind in one eye and a chunk missing from his back. Again there was lots of baby reptiles in the shop for sale but no one was really educating the buyers..20180429_133925.jpg

A Bearded dragon that was actually in a decent size tank.
I would love to one day own a lizard but will for sure not make any of these mistakes. Yes i understand that they should stay in the wild, but people will still capture and breed for a profit. I just want to give a good life to one if i can prevent someone else from just not caring.


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