The Power of Taking Pictures--Thoughts on Wildflower Wednesday

When you capture an image or a moment in the shutter of a camera, the image isn’t just recorded on a strip of film or in a digital file, it is recorded in your mind as well.

Like writing a reminder on a piece of paper often alleviates us of the need to be reminded, or setting an alarm often causes us to wake up naturally before the alarm sounds, the action of consciously taking pictures captures the feelings, thoughts, sensations, and images of a moment in time and space.


When we push outward, we push inward.

Since I began writing on Steemit last August, I have been moving through my everyday surroundings more conscientiously, paying close attention to things, looking for images that I can use when I write about life in Japan. The effects this has had on me is profound.

Now, as I move through my day-to-day life, not only do I notice many new and interesting details, but I am often reminded of where I was and what I was doing months earlier. As I pass by past subjects of my photographs and return to the places of photographs I have used in my blog, the images I have taken and the feelings I had at that time return to me.

In a sense, it seems to me that photography has given my ‘Self’ more depth. My associations with objects, places, times of day, and seasons have become stronger.


This is one reason why I have really been enjoying these Photography Challenges (Tree-Tuesday, Wildflower and Beach-Wednesday, etc.). Not only do they help me to reach out and be aware of my environment, but they help me to reach inward as well.

Last week, as I rode to work, I saw this flower covered wall from across the road. At first, as I typically do, I rode passed it without stopping. But then I realized that if I didn’t stop right then and go back to take a picture of that wall, the moment I was in would never return. More so, I realized that no matter how much I wanted to, I would probably never find the time to return to this spot.

If it weren’t for Wildflower Wednesday, I probably would have kept on riding to work, and this wall and the flowers on it, this calm moment of sunshine and cool breezes on a busy morning before work would have been lost to me.


Sometimes it only takes the slightest push or the smallest of reasons to motivate us toward doing small and great things.

Thank you Wildflower Wednesday. And thank you Steemit as well.

Image Credits: All images are original.

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