Common adder (Vipera Berus)
Common adder is one of more than 200 species in the vipera family, but the only one living in northern Europe. The species is one of three free-range snake species in Norway, and the only one that is venomous.
ZigZag Pattern
The common adder is usually easily recognizable on the zigzag pattern it has on its back, but on the darkest specimens the pattern can be hard to see. In comparison with other snakes in the vipera family, the common adder has a relatively small head. It can be found in different color combinations. The females often have a brownish bottom color and a black pattern, while the male's bottom color is more gray than brown.
Cold blooded
They are heated by the surroundings (air temperature and solar radiation) around them. When it's cold in the weather they will be slow in the movements. Then you can often find them on rocks or stumps exposed to sunshine, as they try to raise body temperature.
Location: Bue, Norway
Camera: Nikon P900
No filter have been used
No editing have been made to these photos
Photographer: @flatman
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