The Three Steem Amigos - An Song Created by Wild and Strange Steemians for Wild and Strange Steemians

This song has a story. I'll try to be brief.

First of all, the performance itself is my entry into @Papa-Pepper's Wild & Strange Contest Round 5.

Originally, I was the winner of round one with this bizarre picture of me and two of my puppets.

Then @saleg25, the winner of round 2, created this (even stranger?) image:

In round 3, the following meme by @lolicorn was the result of yet another contest:

Finally, in round 4, @fishyculture took the prize with her creation of this song, The Three Steem Amigos, based loosely on me and my two puppets.

The Three Steem Amigos
A man and his mustache went out for a ride
Hoping adventure and fortune to find.
He roamed the web that they say is world wide,
Found steemit and loved all that it could provide.

He met all sort of folks as he chatted and surfed,
Made friends with them all, human, beastie and smurf.
He voted and resteemed what he felt had worth
Whether it educated or just brought him mirth.

It soon became clear that 2 steemian friends
We very like minded, they sought the same ends.
They'd speak truth to each other and never offend
All misunderstands so quickly would mend.

The three steem amigos decided to meet
In the real world for a handshake and greet.
When their mustaches met they all had to agree
This steemian friendship was destined to be.

So when you are sitting there surfing the net
Remember this one thing, don't ever forget.
On steemit you earn everything that you get
Crypto, information, and friends (some puppet.)

So here I am, full circle, putting this collaborative Wild & Strange masterpiece to music and performing it for you beautiful people!

Hope you liked it! That was my lovely wife, @CarrieAllen, by my side, in case you didn't know that already. She helps me with everything!

Huge thanks to @Papa-Pepper for being the Wildest and Strangest one of all! Steem on!

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